Gábor Galambos
Gábor Galambos
Professor, University of Szeged
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Cited by
Bin Packing Approximation Algorithms: Survey and Classification.
EG Coffman, J Csirik, G Galambos, S Martello, D Vigo
Handbook of combinatorial optimization, 455-531, 2013
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
M Jünger, V Kaibel
Springer-Verlag, 2005
Bin packing approximation algorithms: Combinatorial analysis
EG Coffman, G Galambos, S Martello, D Vigo
Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization: Supplement Volume A, 151-207, 1999
An on-line scheduling heuristic with better worst-case ratio than Graham’s list scheduling
G Galambos, GJ Woeginger
SIAM Journal on Computing 22 (2), 349-355, 1993
New lower bounds for certain classes of bin packing algorithms
J Balogh, J Békési, G Galambos
Theoretical Computer Science 440, 1-13, 2012
On-line bin packing—a restricted survey
G Galambos, GJ Woeginger
Zeitschrift für Operations Research 42, 25-45, 1995
Hybrid next-fit algorithm for the two-dimensional rectangle bin-packing problem
H Frenk, G Galambos
Computing: archives for scientific computing 39 (3), 201-217, 1987
An exact algorithm for scheduling identical coupled tasks
D Ahr, J Békési, G Galambos, M Oswald, G Reinelt
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 59, 193-203, 2004
Probabilistic analysis of algorithms for dual bin packing problems
J Csirik, JBG Frenk, G Galambos, AHGR Kan
Journal of Algorithms 12 (2), 189-203, 1991
Repacking helps in bounded space on-line bind-packing
G Galambos, GJ Woeginger
Computing 49 (4), 329-338, 1993
A 5/4 linear time bin packing algorithm
J Bekesi, G Galambos, H Kellerer
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 60 (1), 145-160, 2000
Lower bounds for 1-, 2-and 3-dimensional on-line bin packing algorithms
G Galambos, A van Vliet
Computing: archives for scientific computing 52 (3), 281-297, 1994
A lower bound for on-line vector-packing algorithms
G Galambos, H Kellerer, GJ Woeginger
Acta Cybernetica 11 (1-2), 23-34, 1993
A 1.6 lower-bound for the two-dimensional on-line rectangle bin-packing
G Galambos
Acta Cybernetica 10 (1-2), 21-24, 1991
A probabilistic analysis of the next fit decreasing bin packing heuristic
J Csirik, JBG Frenk, A Frieze, G Galambos, AHGR Kan
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 1986
Lower bound for the online bin packing problem with restricted repacking
J Balogh, J Békési, G Galambos, G Reinelt
SIAM Journal on Computing 38 (1), 398-410, 2008
New lower bounds for certain classes of bin packing algorithms
J Balogh, J Békési, G Galambos
International Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms, 25-36, 2010
Parametric lower bound for on-line bin-packing
G Galambos
SIAM Journal on Algebraic Discrete Methods 7 (3), 362-367, 1986
A simple proof of Liang's lower bound for on-line bin packing and the extension to the parametric case
G Galambos, JBG Frenk
Discrete Applied Mathematics 41 (2), 173-178, 1993
On-line bin packing with restricted repacking
J Balogh, J Békési, G Galambos, G Reinelt
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 27, 115-131, 2014
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Articles 1–20