Alessandro Magni
Alessandro Magni
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Magnetization Switching and Microwave Oscillations<? format?> in Nanomagnets Driven by Spin-Polarized Currents
G Bertotti, C Serpico, ID Mayergoyz, A Magni, M d’Aquino, R Bonin
Physical review letters 94 (12), 127206, 2005
Scaling aspects of domain wall dynamics and Barkhausen effect in ferromagnetic materials
G Bertotti, G Durin, A Magni
Journal of Applied Physics 75 (10), 5490-5492, 1994
Fractals, scaling and the question of self-organized criticality in magnetization processes
G Durin, G BERTOTTI, A Magni
Fractals 3 (02), 351-370, 1995
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of the spin Seebeck and spin Peltier effects
V Basso, E Ferraro, A Magni, A Sola, M Kuepferling, M Pasquale
Physical Review B 93 (18), 184421, 2016
Dynamic hysteresis in Finemet thin films
L Santi, RL Sommer, A Magni, G Durin, F Colaiori, S Zapperi
IEEE transactions on magnetics 39 (5), 2666-2668, 2003
Hysteresis properties at zero temperature in the dipolar random-field Ising model
A Magni
Physical Review B 59 (2), 985, 1999
Magneto-optical imaging technique for hostile environments: The ghost imaging approach
A Meda, A Caprile, A Avella, I Ruo Berchera, IP Degiovanni, A Magni, ...
Applied Physics Letters 106 (26), 2015
Landau–Lifshitz magnetization dynamics and eddy currents in metallic thin films
G Bertotti, A Magni, ID Mayergoyz, C Serpico
Journal of applied physics 91 (10), 7559-7561, 2002
Effects of thickness on the statistical properties of the Barkhausen noise in amorphous films
L Santi, F Bohn, ADC Viegas, G Durin, A Magni, R Bonin, S Zapperi, ...
Physica B: Condensed Matter 384 (1-2), 144-146, 2006
Microscopic foundations of the Rayleigh law of hysteresis
S Zapperi, A Magni, G Durin
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 242, 987-992, 2002
Interaction effects in switching of a two dimensional array of small particles
M Pardavi-Horvath, G Zheng, G Vertesy, A Magni
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 32 (5), 4469-4471, 1996
Low-field hysteresis in disordered ferromagnets
L Dante, G Durin, A Magni, S Zapperi
Physical Review B 65 (14), 144441, 2002
Bifurcation analysis of Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert dynamics under circularly polarized field
G Bertotti, A Magni, ID Mayergoyz, C Serpico
Journal of Applied Physics 89 (11), 6710-6712, 2001
Ground-state optimization and hysteretic demagnetization: The random-field Ising model
MJ Alava, V Basso, F Colaiori, L Dante, G Durin, A Magni, S Zapperi
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (6), 064423, 2005
Thermodynamics, hysteresis and micromagnetics
G Bertotti, V Basso, M LO BUE
Science of Hysteresis 2, 1-106, 2006
Stochastic model for magnetic hysteresis
A Magni, C Beatrice, G Durin, G Bertotti
Journal of applied physics 86 (6), 3253-3261, 1999
Functional integration approach to hysteresis
G Bertotti, ID Mayergoyz, V Basso, A Magni
Physical Review E 60 (2), 1428, 1999
Measurements of the Barkhausen effect in FeCoB amorphous alloys
G Durin, A Magni, G Bertotti
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 160, 299-301, 1996
Fractal properties of the Barkhausen effect
G Durin, A Magni, G Bertotti
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 140, 1835-1836, 1995
Modeling high-frequency magnetic losses in transverse anisotropy amorphous ribbons
O Bottauscio, F Fiorillo, C Beatrice, A Caprile, A Magni
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51 (3), 1-4, 2015
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Articles 1–20