Eugene Kogan
Eugene Kogan
Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University
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RKKY interaction in graphene
E Kogan
Physical Review B 84 (11), 115119, 2011
Random matrix theory approach to the intensity distributions of waves propagating in a random medium
E Kogan, M Kaveh
Phys.Rev. B 52 (6), R3813-R3815, 1995
Magnetic-field-induced insulator-quantum Hall-insulator transition in a disordered two-dimensional electron gas
RJF Hughes, JT Nicholls, JEF Frost, EH Linfield, M Pepper, CJB Ford, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 6 (25), 4763, 1994
Statistics of waves propagating in a random medium
E Kogan, M Kaveh, R Baumgartner, R Berkovits
Physical Review B 48 (13), 9404, 1993
Symmetry classification of energy bands in graphene
E Kogan, VU Nazarov
Physical Review B 85 (11), 115418-1 - 115418-5, 2012
Energy bands in graphene: Comparison between the tight-binding model and ab initio calculations
E Kogan, VU Nazarov, VM Silkin, M Kaveh
Physical Review B 89 (16), 165430, 2014
Measurement of the conductance distribution function at a quantum Hall transition
DH Cobden, E Kogan
Physical Review B 54 (24), R17316, 1996
RKKY Interaction in Gapped or Doped Graphene
E Kogan
Graphene 2 (1), 8-12, 2013
Anderson localization in ferromagnetic semiconductors due to spin disorder. I. Narrow conduction band.
E Kogan, M Auslender
Phys. Status Solidi B 147, 613, 1988
Wave Scattering through Classically Chaotic Cavities in the Presence of Absorption: An Information-Theoretic Model
E Kogan, PA Mello, L He
Phys. Rev. E 61, R17, 2000
Effect of absorption on long-range correlations in random media
E Kogan, M Kaveh
Phys. Rev. B 45, 1049, 1992
Analogies between light and electrons: Density of states and Friedel’s identity
BA van Tiggelen, E Kogan
Physical Review A 49 (2), 708, 1994
Diffusion constant in a random system near resonance
E Kogan, M Kaveh
Physical Review B 46 (17), 10636, 1992
Raman scattering and electrical resistance of highly disordered graphene
I Shlimak, A Haran, E Zion, T Havdala, Y Kaganovskii, AV Butenko, ...
Physical Review B 91 (4), 045414, 2015
Ferromagnetic transition in a double-exchange system containing impurities
M Auslender, E Kogan
Physical Review B 65 (1), 012408, 2001
Distribution-function analysis of mesoscopic hopping conductance fluctuations
RJF Hughes, AK Savchenko, JEF Frost, EH Linfield, JT Nicholls, ...
Physical Review B 54 (3), 2091, 1996
Localization of Charge Carriers in Monolayer Graphene Gradually Disordered by Ion Irradiation
IS Erez Zion, Avner Haran, Alexander V. Butenko, Leonid Wolfson, Yuri ...
Graphene 4, 45-53, 2015
Symmetry Classification of Energy Bands in Graphene and Silicene
E Kogan
Graphene 2 (2), 74-80, 2013
Hopping magnetoresistance in ion irradiated monolayer graphene
I Shlimak, E Zion, AV Butenko, L Wolfson, V Richter, Y Kaganovskii, ...
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 76, 158-163, 2016
Effect of annealing on Raman spectra of monolayer graphene samples gradually disordered by ion irradiation
E Zion, A Butenko, Y Kaganovskii, V Richter, L Wolfson, A Sharoni, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 121 (11), 2017
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Articles 1–20