Gavin L. Simpson
Gavin L. Simpson
Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Aarhus University
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Cited by
Cited by
vegan: community ecology package
J Oksanen, FG Blanchet, R Kindt, P Legendre, PR Minchin, RB O'Hara, ...
vegan: Community Ecology Package. R package version 2.5-2. 2018
J Oksanen, FG Blanchet, M Friendly, R Kindt, P Legendre, D McGlinn, ...
Vienna: R Core Team, 2018
Package Vegan: Community ecology package, version 2.0 10
J Oksanen, FG Blanchet, R Kindt, P Legendre, PR Minchin, RB O’hara, ...
Available from CRAN at https://CRAN. R-project. org/package= vegan, 2013
Hierarchical generalized additive models in ecology: an introduction with mgcv
EJ Pedersen, DL Miller, GL Simpson, N Ross
PeerJ 7, e6876, 2019
Modelling palaeoecological time series using generalised additive models
GL Simpson
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6, 149, 2018
Looking forward through the past: identification of 50 priority research questions in palaeoecology
AWR Seddon, AW Mackay, AG Baker, HJB Birks, E Breman, CE Buck, ...
Journal of Ecology 102 (1), 256-267, 2014
gratia: graceful ’ggplot’-based graphics and other functions for GAMs fitted using “mgcv”
GL Simpson
Assessing eutrophication and reference conditions for Scottish freshwater lochs using subfossil diatoms
H Bennion, J Fluin, GL Simpson
Journal of Applied Ecology 41 (1), 124-138, 2004
permute: Functions for generating restricted permutations of data. R package version 0.9-4
GL Simpson
Recuperado de https://CRAN. R-project. org/package= permute, 2016
Defining reference conditions and restoration targets for lake ecosystems using palaeolimnology: a synthesis
H Bennion, RW Battarbee, CD Sayer, GL Simpson, TA Davidson
Journal of Paleolimnology 45, 533-544, 2011
Paleolimnological evidence of the effects on lakes of energy and mass transfer from climate and humans
PR Leavitt, SC Fritz, NJ Anderson, PA Baker, T Blenckner, L Bunting, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 54 (6part2), 2330-2348, 2009
Analogue methods in palaeoecology: using the analogue package
GL Simpson
Journal of Statistical Software 22, 1-29, 2007
Analogue: analogue and weighted averaging methods for palaeoecology
GL Simpson, J Oksanen
R package, 2011
An assessment of the mechanisms for the transfer of lead and mercury from atmospherically contaminated organic soils to lake sediments with particular reference to Scotland, UK
NL Rose, H Yang, SD Turner, GL Simpson
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 82, 113-135, 2012
Detecting changing river temperatures in England and Wales
HG Orr, GL Simpson, S des Clers, G Watts, M Hughes, J Hannaford, ...
Hydrological Processes 29 (5), 752-766, 2015
Decrease in CO2 efflux from northern hardwater lakes with increasing atmospheric warming
K Finlay, RJ Vogt, MJ Bogard, B Wissel, BM Tutolo, GL Simpson, ...
Nature 519 (7542), 215-218, 2015
Combining limnological and palaeolimnological data to disentangle the effects of nutrient pollution and climate change on lake ecosystems: problems and potential
RW Battarbee, NJ Anderson, H Bennion, GL Simpson
Freshwater biology 57 (10), 2091-2106, 2012
Climate change and the future of freshwater biodiversity in Europe: a primer for policy-makers
B Moss, D Hering, AJ Green, A Aidoud, E Becares, M Beklioglu, ...
Freshwater Reviews 2 (2), 103-130, 2009
Diel surface temperature range scales with lake size
RI Woolway, ID Jones, SC Maberly, JR French, DM Livingstone, ...
Plos one 11 (3), e0152466, 2016
Increased variability and sudden ecosystem state change in Lake Winnipeg, Canada, caused by 20th century agriculture
L Bunting, PR Leavitt, GL Simpson, B Wissel, KR Laird, BF Cumming, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 61 (6), 2090-2107, 2016
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Articles 1–20