XuanLong Nguyen
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Cited by
Estimating divergence functionals and the likelihood ratio by convex risk minimization
XL Nguyen, MJ Wainwright, MI Jordan
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 56 (11), 5847-5861, 2010
Understanding the limiting factors of topic modeling via posterior contraction analysis
J Tang, Z Meng, X Nguyen, Q Mei, M Zhang
International conference on machine learning, 190-198, 2014
In-network PCA and anomaly detection
L Huang, XL Nguyen, M Garofalakis, M Jordan, A Joseph, N Taft
Advances in neural information processing systems 19, 2006
Reviving partial order planning
XL Nguyen, S Kambhampati
IJCAI 1, 459-464, 2001
A kernel-based learning approach to ad hoc sensor network localization
XL Nguyen, MI Jordan, B Sinopoli
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 1 (1), 134-152, 2005
Convergence of latent mixing measures in finite and infinite mixture models
XL Nguyen
On surrogate loss functions and f-divergences
XL Nguyen, MJ Wainwright, MI Jordan
Communication-efficient online detection of network-wide anomalies
L Huang, XL Nguyen, M Garofalakis, JM Hellerstein, MI Jordan, ...
IEEE INFOCOM 2007-26th IEEE International Conference on Computer …, 2007
Multilevel clustering via Wasserstein means
N Ho, XL Nguyen, M Yurochkin, HH Bui, V Huynh, D Phung
International conference on machine learning, 1501-1509, 2017
Planning graph as the basis for deriving heuristics for plan synthesis by state space and CSP search
XL Nguyen, S Kambhampati, RS Nigenda
Artificial Intelligence 135 (1-2), 73-123, 2002
Estimating divergence functionals and the likelihood ratio by penalized convex risk minimization
XL Nguyen, MJ Wainwright, M Jordan
Advances in neural information processing systems 20, 2007
Nonparametric decentralized detection using kernel methods
XL Nguyen, MJ Wainwright, MI Jordan
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53 (11), 4053-4066, 2005
Nonlinear identification of a gasoline HCCI engine using neural networks coupled with principal component analysis
VM Janakiraman, XL Nguyen, D Assanis
Applied Soft Computing 13 (5), 2375-2389, 2013
Convergence rates of parameter estimation for some weakly identifiable finite mixtures
N Ho, XL Nguyen
In-database learning with sparse tensors
M Abo Khamis, HQ Ngo, XL Nguyen, D Olteanu, M Schleich
Proceedings of the 37th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of …, 2018
On strong identifiability and convergence rates of parameter estimation in finite mixtures
N Ho, XL Nguyen
A layered aggregate engine for analytics workloads
M Schleich, D Olteanu, M Abo Khamis, HQ Ngo, XL Nguyen
Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Management of Data, 1642 …, 2019
AC/DC: in-database learning thunderstruck
MA Khamis, HQ Ngo, XL Nguyen, D Olteanu, M Schleich
Proceedings of the second workshop on data management for end-to-end machine …, 2018
Parallel feature selection inspired by group testing
Y Zhou, U Porwal, C Zhang, HQ Ngo, XL Nguyen, C Ré, V Govindaraju
Advances in neural information processing systems 27, 2014
On posterior contraction of parameters and interpretability in Bayesian mixture modeling
A Guha, N Ho, XL Nguyen
Bernoulli 27 (4), 2159-2188, 2021
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Articles 1–20