david shinar
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Traffic safety and human behavior
D Shinar
Emerald Group Publishing, 2017
Tri-level study of the causes of traffic accidents: final report
JR Treat, NS Tumbas, ST McDonald, D Shinar, RD Hume, RE Mayer, ...
Executive summary 1, 1979
Aggressive driving: the contribution of the drivers and the situation
D Shinar
Transportation Research Part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 1 (2), 137-160, 1998
Age, skill, and hazard perception in driving
A Borowsky, D Shinar, T Oron-Gilad
Accident analysis & prevention 42 (4), 1240-1249, 2010
Aggressive driving: an observational study of driver, vehicle, and situational variables
D Shinar, R Compton
Accident analysis & prevention 36 (3), 429-437, 2004
Psychology on the road: The human factor in traffic safety
D Shinar
John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1978
Self-reports of safe driving behaviors in relationship to sex, age, education and income in the US adult driving population
D Shinar, E Schechtman, R Compton
Accident Analysis & Prevention 33 (1), 111-116, 2001
Visual requirements for safety and mobility of older drivers
D Shinar, F Schieber
Human factors 33 (5), 507-519, 1991
Effects of practice, age, and task demands, on interference from a phone task while driving
D Shinar, N Tractinsky, R Compton
Accident Analysis & Prevention 37 (2), 315-326, 2005
Screening for depression in stroke patients: the reliability and validity of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale.
D Shinar, CR Gross, TR Price, M Banko, PL Bolduc, RG Robinson
Stroke 17 (2), 241-245, 1986
Reliability of the activities of daily living scale and its use in telephone interview.
D Shinar, CR Gross, KS Bronstein, EE Licata-Gehr, DT Eden, AR Cabrera, ...
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 68 (10), 723-728, 1987
Automated driving: Safety blind spots
IY Noy, D Shinar, WJ Horrey
Safety science 102, 68-78, 2018
Minimum and comfortable driving headways: Reality versus perception
M Taieb-Maimon, D Shinar
Human factors 43 (1), 159-172, 2001
Eye movements of younger and older drivers
M Maltz, D Shinar
Human factors 41 (1), 15-25, 1999
Traffic sign symbol comprehension: a cross-cultural study
D Shinar, RE Dewar, H Summala, L Zakowska
Ergonomics 46 (15), 1549-1565, 2003
Effects of an in-vehicle collision avoidance warning system on short-and long-term driving performance
A Ben-Yaacov, M Maltz, D Shinar
Human Factors 44 (2), 335-342, 2002
Eye movements in curve negotiation
D Shinar, ED McDowell, TH Rockwell
Human Factors 19 (1), 63-71, 1977
Alertness maintaining tasks (AMTs) while driving
T Oron-Gilad, A Ronen, D Shinar
Accident Analysis & Prevention 40 (3), 851-860, 2008
Effects of THC on driving performance, physiological state and subjective feelings relative to alcohol
A Ronen, P Gershon, H Drobiner, A Rabinovich, R Bar-Hamburger, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 40 (3), 926-934, 2008
Effects of uncertainty, transmission type, driver age and gender on brake reaction and movement time
L Warshawsky-Livne, D Shinar
Journal of safety research 33 (1), 117-128, 2002
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