morgan m weston
morgan m weston
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Cited by
Challenging local realism with human choices
Nature 557 (7704), 212-216, 2018
Unconditional violation of the shot-noise limit in photonic quantum metrology
S Slussarenko, MM Weston, HM Chrzanowski, LK Shalm, VB Verma, ...
Nature Photonics 11 (11), 700-703, 2017
Experimental test of universal complementarity relations
MM Weston, MJW Hall, MS Palsson, HM Wiseman, GJ Pryde
Physical Review Letters 110 (22), 220402, 2013
Efficient and pure femtosecond-pulse-length source of polarization-entangled photons
MM Weston, HM Chrzanowski, S Wollmann, A Boston, J Ho, LK Shalm, ...
Optics express 24 (10), 10869-10879, 2016
Conclusive experimental demonstration of one-way Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering
N Tischler, F Ghafari, TJ Baker, S Slussarenko, RB Patel, MM Weston, ...
Physical Review Letters 121 (10), 100401, 2018
Heralded quantum steering over a high-loss channel
MM Weston, S Slussarenko, HM Chrzanowski, S Wollmann, LK Shalm, ...
Science advances 4 (1), e1701230, 2018
Quantum state discrimination using the minimum average number of copies
S Slussarenko, MM Weston, JG Li, N Campbell, HM Wiseman, GJ Pryde
Physical review letters 118 (3), 030502, 2017
Quantum channel correction outperforming direct transmission
S Slussarenko, MM Weston, LK Shalm, VB Verma, SW Nam, S Kocsis, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 1832, 2022
High heralding efficiency single photon source at telecom wavelength
S Wollmann, M Weston, HM Chrzanowski, S Slussarenko, GJ Pryde
European Quantum Electronics Conference, EB_3_2, 2015
Unconditional shot-noise-limit violation in photonic quantum metrology
GJ Pryde, S Slussarenko, MM Weston, HM Chrzanowski, LK Shalm, ...
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim, Th4J. 1, 2018
Discriminating nonorthogonal quantum states with minimum average number of copies (Conference Presentation)
S Slussarenko, MM Weston, JG Li, N Campbell, HM Wiseman, GJ Pryde
Quantum Information Science and Technology IV 10803, 108030P, 2018
Detection-loophole-free heralded quantum steering over a high-loss quantum channel
S Slussarenko, MM Weston, HM Chrzanowski, S Wollmann, GJ Pryde
Frontiers in Optics, FF1C. 4, 2016
Experimental Test of Universal Complementarity Relations
M Hall, M Palsson, G Pryde, M Weston, H Wiseman
High-heralding-efficiency sources of pure, frequency-unentangled telecom photon pairs
GJ Pryde, MM Weston, S Wollmann, HM Chrzanowski, S Slussarenko
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Articles 1–14