Dipjyoti Das
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Effect of transcription factor resource sharing on gene expression noise
D Das, S Dey, RC Brewster, S Choubey
PLOS Computational Biology 13 (4), e1005491, 2017
Organization of embryonic morphogenesis via mechanical information
D Das, D Jülich, J Schwendinger-Schreck, E Guillon, AK Lawton, N Dray, ...
Developmental cell 49 (6), 829-839. e5, 2019
Patterned disordered cell motion ensures vertebral column symmetry
D Das, V Chatti, T Emonet, SA Holley
Developmental cell 42 (2), 170-180. e5, 2017
Fibronectin is a smart adhesive that both influences and responds to the mechanics of early spinal column development
E Guillon, D Das, D Jülich, AR Hassan, H Geller, S Holley
Elife 9, e48964, 2020
Collective force generated by multiple biofilaments can exceed the sum of forces due to individual ones
D Das, D Das, R Padinhateeri
New J. Phys. 16, 063032, 2014
Probing mechanisms of transcription elongation through cell-to-cell variability of RNA polymerase
MZ Ali, S Choubey, D Das, RC Brewster
Biophysical Journal 118 (7), 1769-1781, 2020
Sufficient conditions for the additivity of stall forces generated by multiple filaments or motors
T Bameta, D Das, D Das, R Padinhateeri, MM Inamdar
Phys. Rev. E, arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.06529 95, 022406, 2015
Cell-to-cell variability in organelle abundance reveals mechanisms of organelle biogenesis
S Choubey, D Das, S Majumdar
Physical Review E 100 (2), 022405, 2019
Force-induced dynamical properties of multiple cytoskeletal filaments are distinct from that of single filaments
D Das, D Das, R Padinhateeri
Plos One (arXiv preprint arXiv:1403.7708) 9 (12), e114014, 2014
The cost of bacterial predation via type VI secretion system leads to predator extinction under environmental stress
S Gupta, S Ray, A Khan, A China, D Das, AI Mallick
Iscience 24 (12), 2021
Giant number fluctuations in microbial ecologies
D Das, D Das, A Prasad
Journal of theoretical biology 308, 96-104, 2012
A combined protocol for isolation of T6SS-positive Campylobacter jejuni and assessment of interspecies interaction
S Gupta, A Khan, P Biswas, K Mondal, D Das, S Sharif, AI Mallick
STAR protocols 3 (2), 101368, 2022
Broad-tailed force distributions and velocity ordering in a heterogeneous membrane model for collective cell migration
T Bameta, D Das, S Sarkar, D Das, MM Inamdar
Europhysics Letters 99 (1), 18004, 2012
Use of multimodal sensory cues in predator avoidance by wild-caught zebrafish shoals
I Mukherjee, A Malakar, D Das, A Bhat
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 141 (3), 364-378, 2024
An evolutionary divergent thermodynamic brake in ZAP-70 fine-tunes the kinetic proofreading in T cells
K Gangopadhyay, A Roy, AC Chandradasan, S Roy, O Debnath, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 298 (10), 2022
Effects of microRNA-mediated negative feedback on gene expression noise
R Adhikary, A Roy, MK Jolly, D Das
Biophysical Journal 122 (21), 4220-4240, 2023
An evolutionary divergent thermodynamic brake in ZAP-70 fine-tunes the kinetic proofreading in T cell
K Gangopadhyay, A Roy, AC Chandradasan, S Roy, O Debnath, ...
bioRxiv, 2021.11. 09.467998, 2021
COVID-19: Questioning Public Healthcare Systems and Scientific approaches
S Bera, D Das, R Chelakkot, D Das
DIALOGUE: Science, Scientists and Society, 1-15, 2023
Effects of random hydrolysis on biofilament length distributions in a shared subunit pool
S Satheesan, B Banerjee, D Das
Biophysical Journal 121 (3), 502-514, 2022
Collective effects in force generation by multiple cytoskeletal filaments pushing an obstacle
JS Aparna, D Das, R Padinhateeri, D Das
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 638 (conference 1), 2015
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Articles 1–20