lisa cipolotti
lisa cipolotti
Professor of Neuropsychology UCL
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Human cingulate cortex and autonomic control: converging neuroimaging and clinical evidence
HD Critchley, CJ Mathias, O Josephs, J O’Doherty, S Zanini, BK Dewar, ...
Brain 126 (10), 2139-2152, 2003
Impaired social response reversal: A case ofacquired sociopathy'
RJR Blair, L Cipolotti
Brain 123 (6), 1122-1141, 2000
Patterns of temporal lobe atrophy in semantic dementia and Alzheimer's disease
D Chan, NC Fox, RI Scahill, WR Crum, JL Whitwell, G Leschziner, ...
Annals of neurology 49 (4), 433-442, 2001
Cognitive dysfunction in patients with cerebral microbleeds on T2*-weighted gradient-echo MRI
DJ Werring, DW Frazer, LJ Coward, NA Losseff, H Watt, L Cipolotti, ...
Brain 127 (10), 2265-2275, 2004
The hippocampus is required for short‐term topographical memory in humans
T Hartley, CM Bird, D Chan, L Cipolotti, M Husain, F Vargha‐Khadem, ...
Hippocampus 17 (1), 34-48, 2007
A specific deficit for numbers in a case of dense acalculia
L Cipolotti, B Butterworth, G Denes
Brain 114 (6), 2619-2637, 1991
Long-term retrograde amnesia… the crucial role of the hippocampus
L Cipolotti, T Shallice, D Chan, N Fox, R Scahill, G Harrison, J Stevens, ...
Neuropsychologia 39 (2), 151-172, 2001
The differing roles of the frontal cortex in fluency tests
G Robinson, T Shallice, M Bozzali, L Cipolotti
Brain 135 (7), 2202-2214, 2012
Toward a multiroute model of number processing: Impaired number transcoding with preserved calculation skills.
L Cipolotti, B Butterworth
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 124 (4), 375, 1995
Dynamic aphasia: an inability to select between competing verbal responses?
G Robinson, J Blair, L Cipolotti
Brain: a journal of neurology 121 (1), 77-89, 1998
Evidence of multiple memory systems in the human brain: A [18F]FDG PET metabolic study
D Perani, S Bressi, SF Cappa, G Vallar, M Alberoni, F Grassi, ...
Brain 116 (4), 903-919, 1993
Taking both sides: do unilateral anterior temporal lobe lesions disrupt semantic memory?
MA Lambon Ralph, L Cipolotti, F Manes, K Patterson
Brain 133 (11), 3243-3255, 2010
Fractionation of visual memory: Agency detection and its impairment in autism
RJR Blair, U Frith, N Smith, F Abell, L Cipolotti
Neuropsychologia 40 (1), 108-118, 2002
Semantic memory and reading abilities: A case report
L Cipolotti, EK Warrington
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 1 (1), 104-110, 1995
Cerebral microbleeds and vascular cognitive impairment
DJ Werring, SM Gregoire, L Cipolotti
Journal of the neurological sciences 299 (1-2), 131-135, 2010
Selective impairments for addition, subtraction and multiplication. Implications for the organisation of arithmetical facts
NJ van Harskamp, L Cipolotti
Cortex 37 (3), 363-388, 2001
Word comprehension: The distinction between refractory and storage impairments
EK Warrington, L Cipolotti
Brain 119 (2), 611-625, 1996
A volumetric study of hippocampus and amygdala in depressed patients with subjective memory problems
A Von Gunten, NC Fox, L Cipolotti, MA Ron
The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences 12 (4), 493-498, 2000
Auditory temporal processing deficits in patients with insular stroke
DE Bamiou, FE Musiek, I Stow, J Stevens, L Cipolotti, MM Brown, ...
Neurology 67 (4), 614-619, 2006
Bipolar I and bipolar II disorder: cognition and emotion processing
M Summers, K Papadopoulou, S Bruno, L Cipolotti, MA Ron
Psychological medicine 36 (12), 1799-1809, 2006
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Articles 1–20