Jeffrey A. Dahlke
Jeffrey A. Dahlke
Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO)
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Cited by
Cited by
psychmeta: An R package for psychometric meta-analysis
JA Dahlke, BM Wiernik
Applied Psychological Measurement 43 (5), 415-416, 2019
The Prosocial and Aggressive Driving Inventory (PADI): A self-report measure of safe and unsafe driving behaviors
PB Harris, JM Houston, JA Vazquez, JA Smither, A Harms, JA Dahlke, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 72, 1-8, 2014
Obtaining unbiased results in meta-analysis: The importance of correcting for statistical artifacts
BM Wiernik, JA Dahlke
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 3 (1), 94-123, 2020
14 The Predictive Value of General Intelligence
PR Sackett, OR Shewach, JA Dahlke
Human intelligence: An introduction, 381, 2019
Constructed response formats and their effects on minority–majority differences and validity.
F Lievens, PR Sackett, JA Dahlke, JK Oostrom, B De Soete
Journal of Applied Psychology 104 (5), 715, 2019
The relationship between cognitive-ability saturation and subgroup mean differences across predictors of job performance.
JA Dahlke, PR Sackett
Journal of Applied Psychology 102 (10), 1403, 2017
Predicting performance of first-year residents: correlations between structured interview, licensure exam, and competency scores in a multi-institutional study
B Marcus-Blank, JA Dahlke, JP Braman, E Borman-Shoap, E Tiryaki, ...
Academic Medicine 94 (3), 378-387, 2019
Not restricted to selection research: Accounting for indirect range restriction in organizational research
JA Dahlke, BM Wiernik
Organizational Research Methods 23 (4), 717-749, 2020
Effects of predictor weighting methods on incremental validity.
PR Sackett, JA Dahlke, OR Shewach, NR Kuncel
Journal of Applied Psychology 102 (10), 1421, 2017
Why women STEM majors are less likely than men to persist in completing a STEM degree: More than the individual
AJ Koch, PR Sackett, NR Kuncel, JA Dahlke, AS Beatty
Personality and Individual Differences 190, 111532, 2022
Effects of range restriction and criterion contamination on differential validity of the SAT by race/ethnicity and sex.
JA Dahlke, PR Sackett, NR Kuncel
Journal of Applied Psychology, 2019
Changing abilities vs. changing tasks: Examining validity degradation with test scores and college performance criteria both assessed longitudinally.
JA Dahlke, JW Kostal, PR Sackett, NR Kuncel
Journal of Applied Psychology, 2018
Refinements to effect sizes for tests of categorical moderation and differential prediction
JA Dahlke, PR Sackett
Organizational Research Methods 21 (1), 226-234, 2018
On the assessment of predictive bias in selection systems with multiple predictors.
JA Dahlke, PR Sackett
Journal of Applied Psychology 107 (11), 1995, 2022
psychmeta: Psychometric meta-analysis toolkit
JA Dahlke, BM Wiernik
Decoy effects improve diversity hiring
NR Kuncel, JA Dahlke
Personnel Assessment and Decisions 6 (2), 5, 2020
Human intelligence: An introduction
PR Sackett, OR Shewach, JA Dahlke
psychmeta: Psychometric meta-analysis toolkit (Version 2.3. 2)[R Package]
JA Dahlke, BM Wiernik
Retrieved from psychmeta. com https://CRAN. Rproject. org/package= psychmeta …, 2019
Streamlining the identification of emerging tasks in the O* NET system using natural language processing (NLP): Technical summary
JA Dahlke, DJ Putka
Human Resource Research Organization, 2021
Are Large Admissions Test Coaching Effects Widespread? A Longitudinal Analysis of Admissions Test Scores
JA Dahlke, PR Sackett, NR Kuncel
Applied Measurement in Education 36 (1), 1-13, 2023
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