Lawrence H  Pinto
Lawrence H Pinto
Professor Emeritus Northwestern University
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Mutagenesis and Mapping of a Mouse Gene, Clock, Essential for Circadian Behavior
MH Vitaterna, DP King, AM Chang, JM Kornhauser, PL Lowrey, ...
Science 264 (5159), 719-725, 1994
Influenza virus M2 protein has ion channel activity
LH Pinto, LJ Holsinger, RA Lamb
cell 69 (3), 517-528, 1992
Functional identification of the mouse circadian Clock gene by transgenic BAC rescue
MP Antoch, EJ Song, AM Chang, MH Vitaterna, Y Zhao, LD Wilsbacher, ...
Cell 89 (4), 655-667, 1997
Ion channel activity of influenza A virus M2 protein: characterization of the amantadine block
C Wang, K Takeuchi, LH Pinto, RA Lamb
Journal of virology 67 (9), 5585-5594, 1993
The M2 proton channels of influenza A and B viruses
LH Pinto, RA Lamb
Journal of Biological Chemistry 281 (14), 8997-9000, 2006
A functionally defined model for the M2 proton channel of influenza A virus suggests a mechanism for its ion selectivity
LH Pinto, GR Dieckmann, CS Gandhi, CG Papworth, J Braman, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94 (21), 11301-11306, 1997
Influenza A virus M2 ion channel protein: a structure-function analysis
LJ Holsinger, D Nichani, LH Pinto, RA Lamb
Journal of virology 68 (3), 1551-1563, 1994
Activation of the M2 ion channel of influenza virus: a role for the transmembrane domain histidine residue
C Wang, RA Lamb, LH Pinto
Biophysical journal 69 (4), 1363-1371, 1995
Forward and reverse genetic approaches to behavior in the mouse
JS Takahashi, LH Pinto, MH Vitaterna
Science 264 (5166), 1724-1733, 1994
Influenza A Virus M2 Ion Channel Activity Is Essential for Efficient Replication in Tissue Culture
M Takeda, A Pekosz, K Shuck, LH Pinto, RA Lamb
Journal of virology 76 (3), 1391-1399, 2002
The gate of the influenza virus M2 proton channel is formed by a single tryptophan residue
Y Tang, F Zaitseva, RA Lamb, LH Pinto
Journal of Biological Chemistry 277 (42), 39880-39886, 2002
Structure and mechanism of proton transport through the transmembrane tetrameric M2 protein bundle of the influenza A virus
R Acharya, V Carnevale, G Fiorin, BG Levine, AL Polishchuk, V Balannik, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (34), 15075-15080, 2010
Structure and inhibition of the drug-resistant S31N mutant of the M2 ion channel of influenza A virus
J Wang, Y Wu, C Ma, G Fiorin, J Wang, LH Pinto, RA Lamb, ML Klein, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (4), 1315-1320, 2013
Ionic mechanism for the photoreceptor potential of the retina of Bufo marinus
JE Brown, LH Pinto
The Journal of Physiology 236 (3), 575-591, 1974
Influenza virus m2 ion channel protein is necessary for filamentous virion formation
JS Rossman, X Jing, GP Leser, V Balannik, LH Pinto, RA Lamb
Journal of virology 84 (10), 5078-5088, 2010
Progesterone induces a rapid increase in [Ca2+] in of Xenopus laevis oocytes.
WJ Wasserman, LH Pinto, CM O'Connor, LD Smith
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 77 (3), 1534-1536, 1980
Functional studies indicate amantadine binds to the pore of the influenza A virus M2 proton-selective ion channel
X Jing, C Ma, Y Ohigashi, FA Oliveira, TS Jardetzky, LH Pinto, RA Lamb
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (31), 10967-10972, 2008
The Mouse Clock Mutation Behaves as an Antimorph and Maps Within the W19H Deletion, Distal of Kit
DP King, MH Vitaterna, AM Chang, WF Dove, LH Pinto, FW Turek, ...
Genetics 146 (3), 1049-1060, 1997
The active oligomeric state of the minimalistic influenza virus M2 ion channel is a tetramer
T Sakaguchi, Q Tu, LH Pinto, RA Lamb
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94 (10), 5000-5005, 1997
Ion selectivity and activation of the M2 ion channel of influenza virus
K Shimbo, DL Brassard, RA Lamb, LH Pinto
Biophysical journal 70 (3), 1335-1346, 1996
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Articles 1–20