Alicja Gąsecka
Alicja Gąsecka
Research Associate, Laval University, CRIUSMQ
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Cited by
In vivo histology of the myelin g-ratio with magnetic resonance imaging
N Stikov, JSW Campbell, T Stroh, M Lavelée, S Frey, J Novek, S Nuara, ...
Neuroimage 118, 397-405, 2015
Association of a history of child abuse with impaired myelination in the anterior cingulate cortex: convergent epigenetic, transcriptional, and morphological evidence
PE Lutz, A Tanti, A Gasecka, S Barnett-Burns, JJ Kim, Y Zhou, GG Chen, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 174 (12), 1185-1194, 2017
Influence of birefringence on polarization resolved nonlinear microscopy and collagen SHG structural imaging
D Aït-Belkacem, A Gasecka, F Munhoz, S Brustlein, S Brasselet
Optics express 18 (14), 14859-14870, 2010
Quantitative imaging of molecular order in lipid membranes using two-photon fluorescence polarimetry
A Gasecka, TJ Han, C Favard, BR Cho, S Brasselet
Biophysical journal 97 (10), 2854-2862, 2009
AxonSeg: open source software for axon and myelin segmentation and morphometric analysis
A Zaimi, T Duval, A Gasecka, D Côté, N Stikov, J Cohen-Adad
Frontiers in neuroinformatics 10, 37, 2016
Quantitative analysis of the myelin g-ratio from electron microscopy images of the macaque corpus callosum
N Stikov, JSW Campbell, T Stroh, M Lavelée, S Frey, J Novek, S Nuara, ...
Data in brief 4, 368-373, 2015
Polarization distortion effects in polarimetric two-photon microscopy
P Schön, F Munhoz, A Gasecka, S Brustlein, S Brasselet
Optics Express 16 (25), 20891-20901, 2008
Direct imaging of molecular symmetry by coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering
C Cleff, A Gasecka, P Ferrand, H Rigneault, S Brasselet, J Duboisset
Nature Communications 7 (1), 11562, 2016
Resolution and contrast enhancement in coherent anti-Stokes Raman-scattering microscopy
A Gasecka, A Daradich, H Dehez, M Piché, D Côté
Optics letters 38 (21), 4510-4513, 2013
Probing molecular order in zeolite L inclusion compounds using two-photon fluorescence polarimetric microscopy
A Gasecka, LQ Dieu, D Brühwiler, S Brasselet
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114 (12), 4192-4198, 2010
Imaging molecular order in cell membranes by polarization-resolved fluorescence microscopy
S Brasselet, P Ferrand, A Kress, X Wang, H Ranchon, A Gasecka
Fluorescent Methods to Study Biological Membranes, 311-337, 2013
Phase-gradient contrast in thick tissue with a scanning microscope
J Mertz, A Gasecka, A Daradich, I Davison, D Coté
Biomedical optics express 5 (2), 407-416, 2014
Anisotropic light scattering from myelinated axons in the spinal cord
D DePaoli, A Gasecka, M Bahdine, JM Deschenes, L Goetz, ...
Neurophotonics 7 (1), 015011-015011, 2020
Investigation of Molecular and Protein Crystals by Three Photon<? format?> Polarization Resolved Microscopy
A Gasecka, P Tauc, A Lewit-Bentley, S Brasselet
Physical Review Letters 108 (26), 263901, 2012
Spectral investigation of the phase-transition behavior in (DOEO) 4HgBr4· TCE salt
A Łapiński, A Gąsecka, A Graja, S Waplak, A Ostrowski, AI Kotov
Optical Materials 34 (10), 1651-1655, 2012
Early Life Adversity Leads to Demyelination in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex
A Gasecka, PE Lutz, A Tanti, N Mechawar, G Turecki, DC Côté
Novel Techniques in Microscopy, JT4A. 15, 2019
Imaging calcium carbonate distribution in human sweat pore in vivo using nonlinear microscopy
X Chen, A Gasecka, F Formanek, JB Galey, H Rigneault
Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences XV 9329, 231-237, 2015
Validation of MRI microstructure measurements with Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS)
T Duval, A Gasecka, P Pouliot, D Côté, N Stikov, J Cohen-Adad
Toronto, 2015
Microscopie non-lineaire polarimetrique dans les milieux moleculaires et biologiques
A Gasecka
Université Paul Cézanne-Aix-Marseille III, 2010
Polarimetric multiphoton fluorescence microscopy in molecular and biological media
A Gasecka
Aix-Marseille 3, 2010
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Articles 1–20