Shira Offer
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Cited by
Revisiting the gender gap in time-use patterns: Multitasking and well-being among mothers and fathers in dual-earner families
S Offer, B Schneider
American Sociological Review 76 (6), 809-833, 2011
The contribution of social support to the material well‐being of low‐income families
JR Henly, SK Danziger, S Offer
Journal of Marriage and Family 67 (1), 122-140, 2005
The burden of reciprocity: Processes of exclusion and withdrawal from personal networks among low-income families
S Offer
Current Sociology 60 (6), 788-805, 2012
Family time activities and adolescents' emotional well‐being
S Offer
Journal of Marriage and Family 75 (1), 26-41, 2013
The costs of thinking about work and family: Mental labor, work–family spillover, and gender inequality among parents in dual‐earner families
S Offer
Sociological Forum 29 (4), 916-936, 2014
Difficult people: Who is perceived to be demanding in personal networks and why are they there?
S Offer, CS Fischer
American sociological review 83 (1), 111-142, 2018
Children's role in generating social capital
S Offer, B Schneider
Social Forces 85 (3), 1125-1142, 2007
Time with children and employed parents’ emotional well-being
S Offer
Social science research 47, 192-203, 2014
The Ethiopian community in Israel: Segregation and the creation of a racial cleavage
S Offer
Ethnic and Racial Studies 30 (3), 461-480, 2007
The Socio‐economic integration of the Ethiopian community in Israel
S Offer
International Migration 42 (3), 29-55, 2004
Negative social ties: Prevalence and consequences
S Offer
Annual Review of Sociology 47 (1), 177-196, 2021
Assessing the relationship between family mealtime communication and adolescent emotional well-being using the experience sampling method
S Offer
Journal of adolescence 36 (3), 577-585, 2013
Who is dropped and why? Methodological and substantive accounts for network loss
CS Fischer, S Offer
Social Networks 61, 78-86, 2020
The “new father” between ideals and practices: New masculinity ideology, gender role attitudes, and fathers’ involvement in childcare
S Offer, D Kaplan
Social problems 68 (4), 986-1009, 2021
Free time and emotional well-being: Do dual-earner mothers and fathers differ?
S Offer
Gender & Society 30 (2), 213-239, 2016
They drive me crazy: Difficult social ties and subjective well-being
S Offer
Journal of Health and Social Behavior 61 (4), 418-436, 2020
Barriers to social support among low‐income mothers
S Offer
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 32 (3/4), 120-133, 2012
Learning to negotiate network relations: social support among working mothers living in poverty
S Offer, S Sambol, O Benjamin
Community, Work & Family 13 (4), 467-482, 2010
“If you sit and cry no one will help you”: Understanding perceptions of worthiness and social support relations among low-income women under a neoliberal discourse
E Lavee, S Offer
The Sociological Quarterly 53 (3), 374-393, 2012
The emotional dimensions of family time and their implications for work-family balance
S Offer, B Schneider
Handbook of Work-Family Integration, 177-189, 2008
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Articles 1–20