Frédéric Christophoul
Frédéric Christophoul
Géosciences Environnement Toulouse, Université de Toulouse-CNRS-IRD-CNES
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La cuenca Oriente: geología y petróleo
P Baby, M Rivadeneira, R Barragán
Institut français d’études andines, 2004
Placing limits to shortening evolution in the Pyrenees: Role of margin architecture and implications for the Iberia/Europe convergence
F Mouthereau, PY Filleaudeau, A Vacherat, R Pik, O Lacombe, MG Fellin, ...
Tectonics 33 (12), 2283-2314, 2014
Cenozoic sedimentary evolution of the Amazonian foreland basin system
M Roddaz, W Hermoza, A Mora, P Baby, M Parra, F Christophoul, ...
Amazonia, landscape and species evolution: a look into the past 5, 61-88, 2010
Stratigraphic responses to a major tectonic event in a foreland basin: the Ecuadorian Oriente Basin from Eocene to Oligocene times
F Christophoul, P Baby, C Dávila
Tectonophysics 345 (1-4), 281-298, 2002
Thick-skinned tectonics in the Oriente foreland basin of Ecuador
P Baby, M Rivadeneira, R Barragán, F Christophoul
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 377 (1), 59-76, 2013
Geomorphic evidence of active deformation and uplift in a modern continental wedge-top–foredeep transition: example of the eastern Ecuadorian Andes
SB De Berc, JC Soula, P Baby, M Souris, F Christophoul, J Rosero
Tectonophysics 399 (1-4), 351-380, 2005
Insights into the crustal‐scale dynamics of a doubly vergent orogen from a quantitative analysis of its forelands: A case study of the Eastern Pyrenees
AR Grool, M Ford, J Vergés, RS Huismans, F Christophoul, A Dielforder
Tectonics 37 (2), 450-476, 2018
Retro-wedge foreland basin evolution along the ECORS line, eastern Pyrenees, France
M Ford, L Hemmer, A Vacherat, K Gallagher, F Christophoul
Journal of the Geological Society 173 (3), 419-437, 2016
Sediment budget of the Napo river, Amazon basin, Ecuador and Peru
A Laraque, C Bernal, L Bourrel, J Darrozes, F Christophoul, E Armijos, ...
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 23 (25), 3509-3524, 2009
Rift-to-collision sediment routing in the Pyrenees: A synthesis from sedimentological, geochronological and kinematic constraints
A Vacherat, F Mouthereau, R Pik, D Huyghe, JL Paquette, F Christophoul, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 172, 43-74, 2017
Thrust-related, diapiric, and extensional doming in a frontal orogenic wedge: example of the Montagne Noire, Southern French Hercynian Belt
JC Soula, P Debat, S Brusset, G Bessière, F Christophoul, J Déramond
Journal of Structural Geology 23 (11), 1677-1699, 2001
Foreland basin magmatism in the Western Moroccan Meseta and geodynamic inferences
M Roddaz, S Brusset, JC Soula, D Béziat, M Ben Abbou, P Debat, ...
Tectonics 21 (5), 7-1-7-23, 2002
Style and timing of deformation in the Oriente Basin of Ecuador
P Baby, M Rivadeneira, F Christophoul, R Barragan
Fourth International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics, University of …, 1999
Contrôle tectonique de la sédimentation dans le système de bassins d'avant-pays de la Meseta marocaine
MB Abbou, JC Soula, S Brusset, M Roddaz, A N'Tarmouchant, Y Driouch, ...
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences-Series IIA-Earth and Planetary …, 2001
Differences in 10Be concentrations between river sand, gravel and pebbles along the western side of the central Andes
S Carretier, V Regard, R Vassallo, G Aguilar, J Martinod, R Riquelme, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 27, 33-51, 2015
Stratigraphic and tectonic studies in the central Aquitaine Basin, northern Pyrenees: Constraints on the subsidence and deformation history of a retro-foreland basin
G Rougier, M Ford, F Christophoul, AG Bader
Comptes Rendus. Géoscience 348 (3-4), 224-235, 2016
Stabilization of large drainage basins over geological time scales: Cenozoic West Africa, hot spot swell growth, and the Niger River
D Chardon, JL Grimaud, D Rouby, A Beauvais, F Christophoul
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 17 (3), 1164-1181, 2016
Late Glacial and Holocene avulsions of the Rio Pastaza Megafan (Ecuador–Peru): frequency and controlling factors
C Bernal, F Christophoul, J Darrozes, JC Soula, P Baby, J Burgos
International Journal of Earth Sciences 100, 1759-1782, 2011
A note on 10Be‐derived mean erosion rates in catchments with heterogeneous lithology: examples from the western Central Andes
S Carretier, V Regard, R Vassallo, J Martinod, F Christophoul, E Gayer, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40 (13), 1719-1729, 2015
El Pre-Aptense en la Cuenca Oriente Ecuatoriana
M DíAZ, P Baby, M Rivadeneira, F Christophoul
8th Simposio Bolivariano-Exploracion Petrolera en las Cuencas Subandinas, cp …, 2003
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Articles 1–20