Maor Zeev-Wolf
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Cited by
Maternal depression impairs child emotion understanding and executive functions: The role of dysregulated maternal care across the first decade of life.
A Priel, M Zeev-Wolf, A Djalovski, R Feldman
Emotion 20 (6), 1042, 2020
Exposure to early and persistent maternal depression impairs the neural basis of attachment in preadolescence
M Pratt, M Zeev-Wolf, A Goldstein, R Feldman
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 93, 21-30, 2019
Chronic early stress impairs default mode network connectivity in preadolescents and their mothers
M Zeev-Wolf, J Levy, A Goldstein, O Zagoory-Sharon, R Feldman
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 4 (1), 72-80, 2019
MEG resting-state oscillations and their relationship to clinical symptoms in schizophrenia
M Zeev-Wolf, J Levy, C Jahshan, A Peled, Y Levkovitz, A Grinshpoon, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 20, 753-761, 2018
Magnetoencephalographic evidence of early right hemisphere overactivation during metaphor comprehension in schizophrenia
M Zeev‐Wolf, M Faust, Y Levkovitz, Y Harpaz, A Goldstein
Psychophysiology 52 (6), 770-781, 2015
Fine-coarse semantic processing in schizophrenia: A reversed pattern of hemispheric dominance
M Zeev-Wolf, A Goldstein, Y Levkovitz, M Faust
Neuropsychologia 56, 119-128, 2014
Impairment in predictive processes during auditory mismatch negativity in ScZ: Evidence from event‐related fields
A Sauer, M Zeev‐Wolf, T Grent‐'t‐Jong, M Recasens, C Wacongne, ...
Human Brain Mapping 38 (10), 5082-5093, 2017
Probing the magnocellular and parvocellular visual pathways in facial emotion perception in schizophrenia
C Jahshan, M Wolf, Y Karbi, E Shamir, Y Rassovsky
Psychiatry research 253, 38-42, 2017
Hypnotically induced somatosensory alterations: Toward a neurophysiological understanding of hypnotic anaesthesia
M Zeev-Wolf, A Goldstein, O Bonne, EG Abramowitz
Neuropsychologia 87, 182-191, 2016
Cumulative risk on oxytocin-pathway genes impairs default mode network connectivity in trauma-exposed youth
M Zeev-Wolf, J Levy, RP Ebstein, R Feldman
Frontiers in Endocrinology 11, 335, 2020
Oscillatory brain mechanisms of the hypnotically-induced out-of-body experience
M Zeev-Wolf, Y Dor-Ziderman, A Goldstein, O Bonne, EG Abramowitz
Cortex 96, 19-30, 2017
High-gamma oscillations as neurocorrelates of ADHD: A MEG crossover placebo-controlled study
Y Dor-Ziderman, M Zeev-Wolf, EH Klein, D Bar-Oz, U Nitzan, H Maoz, ...
Journal of Psychiatric Research 137, 186-193, 2021
Investigating default mode network connectivity disruption in children of mothers with depression
M Zeev-Wolf, Y Dor-Ziderman, M Pratt, A Goldstein, R Feldman
The British Journal of Psychiatry 220 (3), 130-139, 2022
Spectral and phase-coherence correlates of impaired auditory mismatch negativity (MMN) in schizophrenia: A MEG study
A Sauer, T Grent, M Zeev-Wolf, W Singer, A Goldstein, PJ Uhlhaas
Schizophrenia Research 261, 60-71, 2023
The influence of the legislative and judicial branches on moral judgment and norm perception with the special case of judicial intervention
M Zeev‐Wolf, A Mentovich
Regulation & Governance 16 (4), 1211-1232, 2022
Brain responses to other people's pain in fibromyalgia: a magnetoencephalography study
A Goldstein, M Zeev-Wolf, N Herz, JN Ablin
Clin Exp Rheumatol 37 (Suppl 116), S70-74, 2019
Activating the Right Hemisphere Through Left-Hand Muscle Contraction Improves Novel Metaphor Comprehension
T Noufi, M Zeev-Wolf
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 729814, 2021
Testing the magnocellular-pathway advantage in facial expressions processing for consistency over time
M Zeev-Wolf, Y Rassovsky
Neuropsychologia 138, 107352, 2020
Law and moral order: The influence of legal outcomes on moral judgment.
A Mentovich, M Zeev-Wolf
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 24 (4), 489, 2018
Evidence for a differential visual M300 brain response in gamblers
N Zilberman, YD Ziderman, M Zeev-Wolf, A Goldstein, G Yadid, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 129 (11), 2228-2238, 2018
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Articles 1–20