Rosa Lopez
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Cited by
Kondo Effect in a Quantum Dot Coupled to Ferromagnetic Leads:<? format?> A Numerical Renormalization Group Analysis
MS Choi, D Sánchez, R López
Physical review letters 92 (5), 056601, 2004
SU (4) Kondo effect in carbon nanotubes
MS Choi, R López, R Aguado
Physical review letters 95 (6), 067204, 2005
Nonequilibrium Spintronic Transport through an Artificial Kondo Impurity:<? format?> Conductance, Magnetoresistance, and Shot Noise
R López, D Sánchez
Physical review letters 90 (11), 116602, 2003
Non-equilibrium transport through double quantum dots: Kondo effect vs antiferromagnetic coupling
R López, R Aguado, G Platero
Physical Review Letters 89, 136802, 2002
Shiba states and zero-bias anomalies in the hybrid normal-superconductor Anderson model
R Žitko, JS Lim, R López, R Aguado
Physical Review B 91 (4), 045441, 2015
Mesoscopic charge relaxation
SE Nigg, R López, M Büttiker
Physical review letters 97 (20), 206804, 2006
Scattering theory of nonlinear thermoelectric transport
D Sánchez, R López
Physical review letters 110 (2), 026804, 2013
Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida and Magnetic-Field Interactions<? format?> in Coupled Kondo Quantum Dots
P Simon, R López, Y Oreg
Physical review letters 94 (8), 086602, 2005
Kondo effect in a quantum dot side-coupled to a topological superconductor
M Lee, JS Lim, R López
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (24), 241402, 2013
Mesoscopic Coulomb drag, broken detailed balance, and fluctuation relations
R Sánchez, R López, D Sánchez, M Büttiker
Physical review letters 104 (7), 076801, 2010
Probing spin and orbital Kondo effects with a mesoscopic interferometer
R López, D Sánchez, M Lee, MS Choi, P Simon, K Le Hur
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (11), 115312, 2005
Kondo effects in carbon nanotubes: From SU (4) to SU (2) symmetry
JS Lim, MS Choi, MY Choi, R López, R Aguado
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (20), 205119, 2006
Nonlinear heat transport in mesoscopic conductors: Rectification, Peltier effect, and Wiedemann-Franz law
R López, D Sánchez
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (4), 045129, 2013
Thermoelectrical detection of Majorana states
R López, M Lee, L Serra, JS Lim
Physical Review B 89 (20), 205418, 2014
Kondo effect in ac transport through quantum dots
R López, R Aguado, G Platero, C Tejedor
Physical review letters 81 (21), 4688, 1998
Transport measurement of Andreev bound states in a Kondo-correlated quantum dot
BK Kim, YH Ahn, JJ Kim, MS Choi, MH Bae, K Kang, JS Lim, R López, ...
Physical review letters 110 (7), 076803, 2013
Nonlinear phenomena in quantum thermoelectrics and heat
D Sánchez, R López
Comptes Rendus. Physique 17 (10), 1060-1071, 2016
Rashba interaction in quantum wires with in-plane magnetic fields
L Serra, D Sánchez, R López
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (23), 235309, 2005
Shot noise in strongly correlated double quantum dots
R López, R Aguado, G Platero
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 69 (23), 235305, 2004
Magnetic-field instability of Majorana modes in multiband semiconductor wires
JS Lim, L Serra, R López, R Aguado
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (12), 121103, 2012
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Articles 1–20