Friedrich Lösel
Friedrich Lösel
University of Cambridge & University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
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The effectiveness of treatment for sexual offenders: A comprehensive meta-analysis
F Lösel, M Schmucker
Journal of Experimental Criminology 1, 117-146, 2005
Do the victims of school bullies tend to become depressed later in life? A systematic review and meta‐analysis of longitudinal studies
MM Ttofi, DP Farrington, F Lösel, R Loeber
Journal of aggression, conflict and peace research 3 (2), 63-73, 2011
Direct protective and buffering protective factors in the development of youth violence
F Lösel, DP Farrington
American journal of preventive medicine 43 (2), S8-S23, 2012
Effects of training social competence in children: A meta-analysis of recent evaluation studies
A Beelmann, U Pfingsten, F Lösel
Journal of clinical child psychology 23 (3), 260-271, 1994
Effects of child skills training in preventing antisocial behavior: A systematic review of randomized evaluations
F Lösel, A Beelmann
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 587 (1 …, 2003
The predictive efficiency of school bullying versus later offending: A systematic/meta‐analytic review of longitudinal studies
MM Ttofi, DP Farrington, F Lösel, R Loeber
Criminal behaviour and mental health 21 (2), 80-89, 2011
School bullying as a predictor of violence later in life: A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective longitudinal studies
MM Ttofi, DP Farrington, F Lösel
Aggression and violent behavior 17 (5), 405-418, 2012
The efficacy of correctional treatment: A review and synthesis of meta-evaluations.
F Lösel
John Wiley & Sons, 1995
The effects of sexual offender treatment on recidivism: An international meta-analysis of sound quality evaluations
M Schmucker, F Lösel
Journal of Experimental Criminology 11, 597-630, 2015
Bullying at school as a predictor of delinquency, violence and other anti‐social behaviour in adulthood
D Bender, F Lösel
Criminal behaviour and mental health 21 (2), 99-106, 2011
Aggression und Delinquenz unter Jugendlichen: Untersuchungen von kognitiven und sozialen Bedingungen
F Lösel, T Bliesener
Luchterhand, 2003
Protective factors and resilience
F Lösel, D Bender
Early prevention of adult antisocial behaviour, 130-204, 2003
Protective and risk effects of peer relations and social support on antisocial behaviour in adolescents from multi-problem milieus
D Bender, F Lösel
Journal of adolescence 20 (6), 661-678, 1997
A systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of young offender treatment programs in Europe
JA Koehler, F Lösel, TD Akoensi, DK Humphreys
Journal of experimental criminology 9, 19-43, 2013
Treatment and management of psychopaths
F Lösel
Psychopathy: Theory, research and implications for society, 303-354, 1998
Systematic reviews of the effectiveness of developmental prevention programs in reducing delinquency, aggression, and bullying
DP Farrington, H Gaffney, F Lösel, MM Ttofi
Aggression and Violent Behavior 33, 91-106, 2017
Von generellen Schutzfaktoren zu spezifischen protektiven Prozessen: Konzeptuelle Grundlagen und Ergebnisse der Resilienzforschung
F Lösel, D Bender
Was Kinder stärkt. Erziehung zwischen Risiko und Resilienz 2, 57-78, 2007
Protective factors interrupting the continuity from school bullying to later internalizing and externalizing problems: A systematic review of prospective longitudinal studies
MM Ttofi, L Bowes, DP Farrington, F Lösel
Journal of School Violence 13 (1), 5-38, 2014
Resilience in adolescence: A study on the generalizability of protective factors
F Lösel, T Bliesener
Health hazards in adolescence 8, 299-320, 1990
School bullying and drug use later in life: A meta-analytic investigation.
MM Ttofi, DP Farrington, F Lösel, RV Crago, N Theodorakis
School psychology quarterly 31 (1), 8, 2016
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Articles 1–20