Hênio Rêgo
Hênio Rêgo
Professor do Departamento de Física do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do
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Detecting long-range correlations with detrended fluctuation analysis
JW Kantelhardt, E Koscielny-Bunde, HHA Rego, S Havlin, A Bunde
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 295 (3-4), 441-454, 2001
Long-range temporal anti-correlations in paddlefish electroreceptors
S Bahar, JW Kantelhardt, A Neiman, HHA Rego, DF Russell, L Wilkens, ...
Europhysics Letters 56 (3), 454, 2001
Predicting the extinction of Ebola spreading in Liberia due to mitigation strategies
LD Valdez, HH Aragão Rêgo, HE Stanley, LA Braunstein
Scientific reports 5 (1), 12172, 2015
Cascading failures in interdependent networks with multiple supply-demand links and functionality thresholds
MA Di Muro, LD Valdez, HH Aragão Rêgo, SV Buldyrev, HE Stanley, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 15059, 2017
Bose–Einstein and Fermi–Dirac distributions in nonextensive Tsallis statistics: an exact study
HH Aragão-Rêgo, DJ Soares, LS Lucena, LR Da Silva, EK Lenzi, KS Fa
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 317 (1-2), 199-208, 2003
Crossover from extensive to nonextensive behavior driven by long-range d= 1 bond percolation
HHA Rego, LS Lucena, LR da Silva, C Tsallis
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 266 (1-4), 42-48, 1999
The role of bridge nodes between layers on epidemic spreading
LD Valdez, HHA Rêgo, HE Stanley, S Havlin, LA Braunstein
New Journal of Physics 20 (12), 125003, 2018
When a text is translated does the complexity of its vocabulary change? Translations and target readerships
HHA Reˆgo, LA Braunstein, G D′ Agostino, HE Stanley, S Miyazima
PloS one 9 (10), e110213, 2014
Effects of site dilution on the one-dimensional long-range bond-percolation problem
UL Fulco, LR da Silva, FD Nobre, HHA Rego, LS Lucena
Physics Letters A 312 (5-6), 331-335, 2003
Confidence and self-attribution bias in an artificial stock market
MA Bertella, FR Pires, HHA Rego, JN Silva, I Vodenska, HE Stanley
PLoS One 12 (2), e0172258, 2017
Interaction between fiscal and monetary policy in a dynamic nonlinear model
MA Bertella, HA Rego, C Neris Jr, JN Silva, B Podobnik, HE Stanley
PLoS one 10 (3), e0118917, 2015
80 Interdisciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology-Long-range temporal anti-correlations in paddlefish electroreceptors
S Bahar, JW Kantelhardt, A Neiman, HHA Rego, DF Russell, L Wilkens, ...
Europhysics Letters 56 (3), 454-460, 2001
The Zipf's Distribution of the Number of Medals in 2016 Olympic in Rio de Janeiro
Y Yamada, HHA Rêgo, S Miyazima, K Yamamoto
日本物理学会講演概要集 72.1, 3059-3059, 2017
Lucas D. Valdez Henio H. Aragão Rêgo H. Eugene Stanley Lidia A. Braunstein Scientific Reports 5, 12172 (2015)
HHA Rêgo
Scientific Reports 5, 12172, 2015
Os Polímeros como Sistemas Complexos
HHA Rêgo
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, 2001
A New Model to Simulate the Growth of Branched Polymers
H Rêgo, L Lucena, GM Viswanathan
Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-Matter Physics XII: Proceedings of …, 2000
The Zipf’s Distribution of the Number of Medals in 2016 Olympic Game in Rio DeJaneiro
Y Yamada, HHA Rêgo, HE Stanley, K Yamamoto, S Miyazima
Menezes Filho, Armando Prestes Miyazaki, Toru Mota, Klauko P. Moyano, Luis G.
KC Mundim, CB Anteneodo, F Baldovin, MS Baptista, M Barbosa, ...
A thermo-comparative analysis of co-movements in economical indexes
HHA Rêgo, M Bertella
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Articles 1–19