Robust optimization A Ben-Tal, A Nemirovski, L El Ghaoui Princeton university press, 2009 | 6312 | 2009 |
Lectures on modern convex optimization: analysis, algorithms, and engineering applications A Ben-Tal, A Nemirovski Society for industrial and applied mathematics, 2001 | 4077 | 2001 |
Robust convex optimization A Ben-Tal, A Nemirovski Mathematics of operations research 23 (4), 769-805, 1998 | 3561 | 1998 |
Robust solutions of uncertain linear programs A Ben-Tal, A Nemirovski Operations research letters 25 (1), 1-13, 1999 | 2719 | 1999 |
Robust solutions of linear programming problems contaminated with uncertain data A Ben-Tal, A Nemirovski Mathematical programming 88, 411-424, 2000 | 2394 | 2000 |
Adjustable robust solutions of uncertain linear programs A Ben-Tal, A Goryashko, E Guslitzer, A Nemirovski Mathematical programming 99 (2), 351-376, 2004 | 2007 | 2004 |
Robust optimization–methodology and applications A Ben-Tal, A Nemirovski Mathematical programming 92, 453-480, 2002 | 1914 | 2002 |
Robust solutions of optimization problems affected by uncertain probabilities A Ben-Tal, D Den Hertog, A De Waegenaere, B Melenberg, G Rennen Management Science 59 (2), 341-357, 2013 | 1101 | 2013 |
A sequential parametric convex approximation method with applications to nonconvex truss topology design problems A Beck, A Ben-Tal, L Tetruashvili Journal of Global Optimization 47, 29-51, 2010 | 598 | 2010 |
Robust truss topology design via semidefinite programming A Ben-Tal, A Nemirovski SIAM journal on optimization 7 (4), 991-1016, 1997 | 577 | 1997 |
Selected topics in robust convex optimization A Ben-Tal, A Nemirovski Mathematical Programming 112, 125-158, 2008 | 495 | 2008 |
An old‐new concept of convex risk measures: The optimized certainty equivalent A Ben‐Tal, M Teboulle Mathematical Finance 17 (3), 449-476, 2007 | 492 | 2007 |
On polyhedral approximations of the second-order cone A Ben-Tal, A Nemirovski Mathematics of Operations Research 26 (2), 193-205, 2001 | 480 | 2001 |
Retailer-supplier flexible commitments contracts: A robust optimization approach A Ben-Tal, B Golany, A Nemirovski, JP Vial Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 7 (3), 248-271, 2005 | 476 | 2005 |
Robust optimization for emergency logistics planning: Risk mitigation in humanitarian relief supply chains A Ben-Tal, B Do Chung, SR Mandala, T Yao Transportation research part B: methodological 45 (8), 1177-1189, 2011 | 457 | 2011 |
Optimization methods for truss geometry and topology design MP Bendsøe, A Ben-Tal, J Zowe Structural optimization 7, 141-159, 1994 | 447 | 1994 |
Lectures on modern convex optimization: Analysis A Ben-Tal, A Nemirovski Algorithms, and Engineering Applications 2, 2001 | 438 | 2001 |
Deriving robust counterparts of nonlinear uncertain inequalities A Ben-Tal, D Den Hertog, JP Vial Mathematical programming 149 (1), 265-299, 2015 | 330 | 2015 |
Optimal design of water distribution networks G Eiger, U Shamir, A Ben‐Tal Water resources research 30 (9), 2637-2646, 1994 | 313 | 1994 |
Extending scope of robust optimization: Comprehensive robust counterparts of uncertain problems A Ben-Tal, S Boyd, A Nemirovski Mathematical Programming 107, 63-89, 2006 | 308 | 2006 |