Daniel Strasser
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Cited by
An affective disorder in zebrafish with mutation of the glucocorticoid receptor
L Ziv, A Muto, PJ Schoonheim, SH Meijsing, D Strasser, HA Ingraham, ...
Molecular psychiatry 18 (6), 681-691, 2013
Photoelectron spectrum of isolated ion-pairs in ionic liquid vapor
D Strasser, F Goulay, MS Kelkar, EJ Maginn, SR Leone
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 111 (17), 3191-3195, 2007
Ion motion synchronization in an ion-trap resonator
HB Pedersen, D Strasser, S Ring, O Heber, ML Rappaport, Y Rudich, ...
Physical review letters 87 (5), 055001, 2001
Diffusion and synchronization in an ion-trap resonator
HB Pedersen, D Strasser, B Amarant, O Heber, ML Rappaport, D Zajfman
Physical Review A 65 (4), 042704, 2002
Two- and Three-Body Kinematical Correlation in the Dissociative Recombination of
D Strasser, L Lammich, S Krohn, M Lange, H Kreckel, J Levin, D Schwalm, ...
Physical Review Letters 86 (5), 779, 2001
High resolution mass spectrometry using a linear electrostatic ion beam trap
D Zajfman, Y Rudich, I Sagi, D Strasser, DW Savin, S Goldberg, ...
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 229 (1-2), 55-60, 2003
Breakup dynamics and the isotope effect in and dissociative recombination
D Strasser, L Lammich, H Kreckel, S Krohn, M Lange, A Naaman, ...
Physical Review A 66 (3), 032719, 2002
Spectral sensitivity of melatonin suppression in the zebrafish pineal gland
L Ziv, A Tovin, D Strasser, Y Gothilf
Experimental Eye Research 84 (1), 92-99, 2007
Stability and loss in an ion-trap resonator
HB Pedersen, D Strasser, O Heber, ML Rappaport, D Zajfman
Physical Review A 65 (4), 042703, 2002
Negative mass instability for interacting particles in a 1D box: theory and application
D Strasser, T Geyer, HB Pedersen, O Heber, S Goldberg, B Amarant, ...
Physical review letters 89 (28), 283204, 2002
An innovative approach to multiparticle three-dimensional imaging
D Strasser, X Urbain, HB Pedersen, N Altstein, O Heber, R Wester, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 71 (8), 3092-3098, 2000
Tracing the photodissociation probability of in intense fields using chirped laser pulses
VS Prabhudesai, U Lev, A Natan, BD Bruner, A Diner, O Heber, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (2), 023401, 2010
Heats of vaporization of room temperature ionic liquids by tunable vacuum ultraviolet photoionization
SD Chambreau, GL Vaghjiani, A To, C Koh, D Strasser, O Kostko, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114 (3), 1361-1367, 2010
Making sense of Coulomb explosion imaging
I Luzon, E Livshits, K Gope, R Baer, D Strasser
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 (6), 1361-1367, 2019
Time-resolving the ultrafast H2 roaming chemistry and H3+ formation using extreme-ultraviolet pulses
E Livshits, I Luzon, K Gope, R Baer, D Strasser
Communications Chemistry 3 (1), 49, 2020
Evidence for Subthermal Rotational Populations in Stored Molecular Ions<? format?> through State-Dependent Dissociative Recombination
L Lammich, D Strasser, H Kreckel, M Lange, HB Pedersen, S Altevogt, ...
Physical review letters 91 (14), 143201, 2003
Breakup dynamics and isotope effects in and dissociative recombination
D Strasser, L Lammich, H Kreckel, M Lange, S Krohn, D Schwalm, A Wolf, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 69 (6), 064702, 2004
Dissociative recombination and low-energy inelastic electron collisions of the helium dimer ion
HB Pedersen, H Buhr, S Altevogt, V Andrianarijaona, H Kreckel, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 72 (1), 012712, 2005
Electrostatic ion beam trap for electron collision studies
O Heber, PD Witte, A Diner, KG Bhushan, D Strasser, Y Toker, ...
Review of scientific instruments 76 (1), 2005
Quantum control of photodissociation by manipulation of bond softening
A Natan, U Lev, VS Prabhudesai, BD Bruner, D Strasser, D Schwalm, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (4), 043418, 2012
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Articles 1–20