Daniel Chazan
Daniel Chazan
Mullan Professor, CfME@UM, Department of Teaching & Learning, Policy & Leadership, U of Maryland
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Cited by
High school geometry students' justification for their views of empirical evidence and mathematical proof
D Chazan
Educational studies in mathematics 24 (4), 359-387, 1993
Beyond being told not to tell
D Chazan, D Ball
For the learning of mathematics 19 (2), 2-10, 1999
Beyond formulas in mathematics and teaching: Dynamics of the high school algebra classroom
D Chazan
Teachers College Press, 2000
Using comics-based representations of teaching, and technology, to bring practice to teacher education courses
P Herbst, D Chazan, CL Chen, VM Chieu, M Weiss
ZDM 43, 91-103, 2011
Exploring the practical rationality of mathematics teaching through conversations about videotaped episodes: The case of engaging students in proving
P Herbst, D Chazan
For the learning of Mathematics 23 (1), 2-14, 2003
On the instructional triangle and sources of justification for actions in mathematics teaching
P Herbst, D Chazan
ZDM 44, 601-612, 2012
Designing learning environments for developing understanding of geometry and space
Routledge, 1998
On appreciating the cognitive complexity of school algebra: Research on algebra learning and directions of curricular change
D Chazan, M Yerushalmy
A research companion to principles and standards for school mathematics, 123-135, 2003
Studying the practical rationality of mathematics teaching: What goes into “installing” a theorem in geometry?
P Herbst, T Nachlieli, D Chazan
Cognition and Instruction 29 (2), 218-255, 2011
Overcoming visual obstacles with the aid of the Supposer
M Yerushalmy, D Chazan
The Geometric Supposer, 25-56, 2013
E-textbooks in/for teaching and learning mathematics: A potentially transformative educational technology
B Pepin, G Gueudet, M Yerushalmy, L Trouche, DI Chazan
Handbook of international research in mathematics education, 636-661, 2015
Research on practical rationality: Studying the justification of actions in mathematics teaching
P Herbst, D Chazan
The Mathematics Enthusiast 8 (3), 405-462, 2011
Algebra for all students?: The algebra policy debate
D Chazan
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 15 (4), 455-477, 1996
Research on the teaching of mathematics: A call to theorize the role of society and schooling in mathematics instruction
D Chazan, P Herbst, L Clark
Handbook of research on teaching 5, 1039-1097, 2016
How might the use of technology in formative assessment support changes in mathematics teaching?
S Olsher, M Yerushalmy, D Chazan
For the learning of mathematics 36 (3), 11-18, 2016
Animations of classroom interaction: Expanding the boundaries of video records of practice
D Chazan, P Herbst
Teachers College Record 114 (3), 1-34, 2012
Charting a course for secondary geometry
D Chazan, M Yerushalmy
Designing learning environments for developing understanding of geometry and …, 2012
Flux in school algebra: Curricular change, graphing technology, and research on student learning and teacher knowledge
M Yerushalmy, D Chazan
Handbook of international research in mathematics education, 725-755, 2002
Introduction: PME special issue: Bodily activity and imagination in mathematics learning
R Nemirovsky, M Borba, C Dimattia, F Arzarello, O Robutti, M Schnepp, ...
Educational Studies in Mathematics, 303-321, 2004
On teachers' mathematical knowledge and student exploration: A personal story about teaching a technologically supported approach to school algebra
D Chazan
International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning 4 (2-3), 121-149, 1999
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Articles 1–20