Philip Roe
Cited by
Cited by
Approximate Riemann solvers, parameter vectors, and difference schemes
PL Roe
Journal of computational physics 43 (2), 357-372, 1981
Characteristic-based schemes for the Euler equations
PL Roe
Annual review of fluid mechanics 18 (1), 337-365, 1986
A solution-adaptive upwind scheme for ideal magnetohydrodynamics
KG Powell, PL Roe, TJ Linde, TI Gombosi, DL De Zeeuw
Journal of Computational Physics 154 (2), 284-309, 1999
On Godunov-type methods near low densities
B Einfeldt, CD Munz, PL Roe, B Sjögreen
Journal of computational physics 92 (2), 273-295, 1991
Some contributions to the modelling of discontinuous flows
PL Roe
Large-scale computations in fluid mechanics, 163-193, 1985
Affordable, entropy-consistent Euler flux functions II: Entropy production at shocks
F Ismail, PL Roe
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (15), 5410-5436, 2009
Characteristic time-stepping or local preconditioning of the Euler equations
B VA, WT Lee, P Roe
10th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 1552, 1991
Discrete models for the numerical analysis of time-dependent multidimensional gas dynamics
PL Roe
Journal of Computational Physics 63 (2), 458-476, 1986
A comparison of numerical flux formulas for the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations
B Van Leer, JL Thomas, PL Roe, RW Newsome
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1987
Notes on the eigensystem of magnetohydrodynamics
PL Roe, DS Balsara
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 56 (1), 57-67, 1996
Efficient construction and utilisation of approximate Riemann solutions
PL Roe, J Pike
Proc. of the sixth int'l. symposium on Computing methods in applied sciences …, 1985
The use of the Riemann problem in finite difference schemes
PL Roe
Seventh International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics …, 2005
Upwind differencing schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws with source terms
PL Roe
Nonlinear Hyperbolic Problems: Proceedings of an Advanced Research Workshop …, 2006
Design of optimally smoothing multistage schemes for the Euler equations
B Van Leer, WT Lee, PL Roe, KG Powell, CH Tai
Communications in applied numerical methods 8 (10), 761-769, 1992
Heliosphere in the magnetized local interstellar medium: Results of a three‐dimensional MHD simulation
TJ Linde, TI Gombosi, PL Roe, KG Powell, DL DeZeeuw
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 103 (A2), 1889-1904, 1998
A multidimensional generalization of Roe's flux difference splitter for the Euler equations
H Deconinck, PL Roe, R Struijs
Computers & fluids 22 (2-3), 215-222, 1993
High order fluctuation schemes on triangular meshes
R Abgrall, PL Roe
Journal of scientific computing 19, 3-36, 2003
Fluctuations and signals-a framework for numerical evolution problems
PL Roe
Numerical methods for fluid dynamics 11, 1982
Generalized formulation of TVD Lax-Wendroff schemes
PL Roe
On postshock oscillations due to shock capturing schemes in unsteady flows
M Arora, PL Roe
Journal of Computational Physics 130 (1), 25-40, 1997
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Articles 1–20