Baljinnyam Sereeter
Cited by
Cited by
Newton power flow methods for unbalanced three-phase distribution networks
B Sereeter, K Vuik, C Witteveen
Energies 10 (10), 1658, 2017
On a comparison of Newton–Raphson solvers for power flow problems
B Sereeter, C Vuik, C Witteveen
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 360, 157-169, 2019
Linear power flow method improved with numerical analysis techniques applied to a very large network
B Sereeter, W van Westering, C Vuik, C Witteveen
Energies 12 (21), 4078, 2019
Addendum to AC power flows and their derivatives using complex matrix notation: Nodal Current Balance
B Sereeter, RD Zimmerman
MATPOWER Tech. Note 3, 2018
AC power flows and their derivatives using complex matrix notation and Cartesian coordinate voltages
B Sereeter, RD Zimmerman
TN4-OPF-Derivatives-Cartesian. pdf, 2018
A novel linearized power flow approach for transmission and distribution networks
B Sereeter, AS Markensteijn, ME Kootte, C Vuik
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 394, 113572, 2021
Optimal power flow formulations and their impacts on the performance of solution methods
B Sereeter, C Vuik, C Witteveen, P Palensky
2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2019
Solving the steady-state power flow problem on integrated transmission-distribution networks: a comparison of numerical methods
ME Kootte, B Sereeter, C Vuik
2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), 899-903, 2020
Mathematical formulations and algorithms for fast and robust power system simulations
B Sereeter, C Vuik, C Witteveen
Ph. D. Thesis, 2020
Solving the Steady-State Power Flow Problem on Integrated Transmission-Distribution Networks: A Comparison of Numerical Methods
IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT Europe), 2020
WP3. 2 Algorithms for Distributed Monitoring, Prediction and Control of Smart Grids (Project C)
B Sereeter, C Vuik, C Witteveen
Delft University of Technology, 2018
Optimal distributed point control of linear elliptic equations
B Sereeter, F Tröltzsch, R Nabben, S Computing
Four mathematical formulations of the Optimal Power Flow problem and their impacts on the performance of solution methods
B Sereeter, C Vuik, C Witteveen
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Articles 1–13