Amy Palmer
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Cited by
Improved monomeric red, orange and yellow fluorescent proteins derived from Discosoma sp. red fluorescent protein
NC Shaner, RE Campbell, PA Steinbach, BNG Giepmans, AE Palmer, ...
Nature biotechnology 22 (12), 1567-1572, 2004
A monomeric red fluorescent protein
RE Campbell, O Tour, AE Palmer, PA Steinbach, GS Baird, DA Zacharias, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (12), 7877-7882, 2002
Fluorescent sensors for measuring metal ions in living systems
KP Carter, AM Young, AE Palmer
Chemical reviews 114 (8), 4564-4601, 2014
Oxygen binding, activation, and reduction to water by copper proteins
EI Solomon, P Chen, M Metz, SK Lee, AE Palmer
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 40 (24), 4570-4590, 2001
MICU1 encodes a mitochondrial EF hand protein required for Ca2+ uptake
F Perocchi, VM Gohil, HS Girgis, XR Bao, JE McCombs, AE Palmer, ...
Nature 467 (7313), 291-296, 2010
Bcl-2-mediated alterations in endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ analyzed with an improved genetically encoded fluorescent sensor
AE Palmer, C Jin, JC Reed, RY Tsien
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (50), 17404-17409, 2004
The growing and glowing toolbox of fluorescent and photoactive proteins
EA Rodriguez, RE Campbell, JY Lin, MZ Lin, A Miyawaki, AE Palmer, ...
Trends in biochemical sciences 42 (2), 111-129, 2017
Ca2+ indicators based on computationally redesigned calmodulin-peptide pairs
AE Palmer, M Giacomello, T Kortemme, SA Hires, V Lev-Ram, D Baker, ...
Chemistry & biology 13 (5), 521-530, 2006
Measuring calcium signaling using genetically targetable fluorescent indicators
AE Palmer, RY Tsien
Nature protocols 1 (3), 1057-1065, 2006
Advances in fluorescence labeling strategies for dynamic cellular imaging
KM Dean, AE Palmer
Nature chemical biology 10 (7), 512-523, 2014
A critical and comparative review of fluorescent tools for live-cell imaging
EA Specht, E Braselmann, AE Palmer
Annual review of physiology 79 (1), 93-117, 2017
Site-directed mutations in fungal laccase: effect on redox potential, activity and pH profile
F Xu, RM Berka, JA Wahleithner, BA Nelson, JR Shuster, SH Brown, ...
Biochemical Journal 334 (1), 63-70, 1998
Measuring steady-state and dynamic endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi Zn2+ with genetically encoded sensors
Y Qin, PJ Dittmer, JG Park, KB Jansen, AE Palmer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (18), 7351-7356, 2011
Design and application of genetically encoded biosensors
AE Palmer, Y Qin, JG Park, JE McCombs
Trends in biotechnology 29 (3), 144-152, 2011
Fluorescent biosensors of protein function
SB VanEngelenburg, AE Palmer
Current opinion in chemical biology 12 (1), 60-65, 2008
Genetically encoded sensors to elucidate spatial distribution of cellular zinc
PJ Dittmer, JG Miranda, JA Gorski, AE Palmer
Journal of Biological Chemistry 284 (24), 16289-16297, 2009
Targeted mutations in a Trametes villosa laccase: axial perturbations of the T1 copper
F Xu, AE Palmer, DS Yaver, RM Berka, GA Gambetta, SH Brown, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 274 (18), 12372-12375, 1999
Visualizing metal ions in cells: an overview of analytical techniques, approaches, and probes
KM Dean, Y Qin, AE Palmer
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Cell Research 1823 (9), 1406-1415, 2012
Single-spike detection in vitro and in vivo with a genetic Ca2+ sensor
DJ Wallace, SM zum Alten Borgloh, S Astori, Y Yang, M Bausen, S Kügler, ...
Nature methods 5 (9), 797-804, 2008
Imaging type-III secretion reveals dynamics and spatial segregation of Salmonella effectors
SB Van Engelenburg, AE Palmer
Nature methods 7 (4), 325-330, 2010
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Articles 1–20