Jeroen Vaes
Jeroen Vaes
Full professor, University of Trento, Italy
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The emotional side of prejudice: The attribution of secondary emotions to ingroups and outgroups
JP Leyens, PM Paladino, R Rodriguez-Torres, J Vaes, S Demoulin, ...
Personality and social psychology review 4 (2), 186-197, 2000
Psychological essentialism and the differential attribution of uniquely human emotions to ingroups and outgroups
JP Leyens, A Rodriguez‐Perez, R Rodriguez‐Torres, R Gaunt, ...
European Journal of Social Psychology 31 (4), 395-411, 2001
Objectification leads to depersonalization: The denial of mind and moral concern to objectified others
S Loughnan, N Haslam, T Murnane, J Vaes, C Reynolds, C Suitner
European Journal of Social Psychology 40 (5), 709-717, 2010
Infra‐humanization: The wall of group differences
JP Leyens, S Demoulin, J Vaes, R Gaunt, MP Paladino
Social Issues and Policy Review 1 (1), 139-172, 2007
Are sexualized women complete human beings? Why men and women dehumanize sexually objectified women
J Vaes, P Paladino, E Puvia
European Journal of Social Psychology 41 (6), 774-785, 2011
Emotional prejudice, essentialism, and nationalism The 2002 Tajfel Lecture
JP Leyens, B Cortes, S Demoulin, JF Dovidio, ST Fiske, R Gaunt, ...
European Journal of Social Psychology 33 (6), 703-717, 2003
On the behavioral consequences of infrahumanization: the implicit role of uniquely human emotions in intergroup relations.
J Vaes, MP Paladino, L Castelli, JP Leyens, A Giovanazzi
Journal of personality and social psychology 85 (6), 1016, 2003
Economic inequality is linked to biased self-perception
S Loughnan, P Kuppens, J Allik, K Balazs, S De Lemus, K Dumont, ...
Psychological science 22 (10), 1254-1258, 2011
We are human, they are not: Driving forces behind outgroup dehumanisation and the humanisation of the ingroup
J Vaes, JP Leyens, M Paola Paladino, M Pires Miranda
European review of social psychology 23 (1), 64-106, 2012
Defensive dehumanization in the medical practice: A cross‐sectional study from a health care worker's perspective
J Vaes, M Muratore
British Journal of Social Psychology 52 (1), 180-190, 2013
Emotional prejudice can lead to infra-humanisation
S Demoulin, RR Torres, AR Perez, J Vaes, MP Paladino, R Gaunt, ...
European review of social psychology 15 (1), 259-296, 2004
Advances in understanding humanness and dehumanization
PG Bain, J Vaes, JP Leyens
Humanness and dehumanization, 1-9, 2013
The lost e‐mail: Prosocial reactions induced by uniquely human emotions
J Vaes, MP Paladino, JP Leyens
British journal of social psychology 41 (4), 521-534, 2002
The uniquely human content of stereotypes
J Vaes, MP Paladino
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 13 (1), 23-39, 2010
Being a Body: Women’s Appearance Related Self-Views and their Dehumanization of Sexually Objectified Female Targets
E Puvia, J Vaes
Sex roles 68, 484-495, 2013
The cognitive representation of self-stereotyping
M Latrofa, J Vaes, M Cadinu, A Carnaghi
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36 (7), 911-922, 2010
“We are people”: Ingroup humanization as an existential defense.
J Vaes, NA Heflick, JL Goldenberg
Journal of personality and social psychology 98 (5), 750, 2010
“United we stand, divided we fall”! The protective function of self-stereotyping for stigmatised members’ psychological well-being.
M Latrofa, J Vaes, M Pastore, M Cadinu
Applied Psychology: An International Review 58 (1), 2009
Exploring the role of culture in sexual objectification: A seven nations study
S Loughnan, S Fernandez-Campos, J Vaes, G Anjum, M Aziz, C Harada, ...
Revue internationale de psychologie sociale 28 (1), 125-152, 2015
Folk conceptions of humanness: Beliefs about distinctive and core human characteristics in Australia, Italy, and China
P Bain, J Vaes, Y Kashima, N Haslam, Y Guan
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 43 (1), 53-58, 2012
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Articles 1–20