Dani Nadel
Dani Nadel
Professor of Archaeology, University of Haifa, Israel
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Genomic insights into the origin of farming in the ancient Near East
I Lazaridis, D Nadel, G Rollefson, DC Merrett, N Rohland, S Mallick, ...
Nature 536 (7617), 419-424, 2016
Processing of wild cereal grains in the Upper Palaeolithic revealed by starch grain analysis
DR Piperno, E Weiss, I Holst, D Nadel
nature 430 (7000), 670-673, 2004
Epipalaeolithic (19,000 BP) cereal and fruit diet at Ohalo II, Sea of Galilee, Israel
ME Kislev, D Nadel, I Carmi
Review of palaeobotany and palynology 73 (1-4), 161-166, 1992
The broad spectrum revisited: evidence from plant remains
E Weiss, W Wetterstrom, D Nadel, O Bar-Yosef
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (26), 9551-9555, 2004
The origin of cultivation and proto-weeds, long before Neolithic farming
A Snir, D Nadel, I Groman-Yaroslavski, Y Melamed, M Sternberg, ...
PLoS One 10 (7), e0131422, 2015
Fermented beverage and food storage in 13,000 y-old stone mortars at Raqefet Cave, Israel: Investigating Natufian ritual feasting
L Liu, J Wang, D Rosenberg, H Zhao, G Lengyel, D Nadel
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 21, 783-793, 2018
19,000-year-old twisted fibers from Ohalo II
D Nadel, A Danin, E Werker, T Schick, ME Kislev, K Stewart
Current Anthropology 35 (4), 451-458, 1994
The late quaternary limnological history of Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee), Israel
N Hazan, M Stein, A Agnon, S Marco, D Nadel, JFW Negendank, ...
Quaternary Research 63 (1), 60-77, 2005
Stone Age hut in Israel yields world's oldest evidence of bedding
D Nadel, E Weiss, O Simchoni, A Tsatskin, A Danin, M Kislev
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (17), 6821-6826, 2004
The oldest ever brush hut plant remains from Ohalo II, Jordan Valley, Israel (19,000 BP)
D Nadel, E Werker
Antiquity 73 (282), 755-764, 1999
Plant-food preparation area on an Upper Paleolithic brush hut floor at Ohalo II, Israel
E Weiss, ME Kislev, O Simchoni, D Nadel, H Tschauner
Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (8), 2400-2414, 2008
Ohalo II H2: A 19,000‐year‐old skeleton from a water‐logged site at the Sea of Galilee, Israel
I Hershkovitz, MS Speirs, D Frayer, D Nadel, S Wish‐Baratz, B Arensburg
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 96 (3), 215-234, 1995
Earliest floral grave lining from 13,700–11,700-y-old Natufian burials at Raqefet Cave, Mt. Carmel, Israel
D Nadel, A Danin, RC Power, AM Rosen, F Bocquentin, A Tsatskin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (29), 11774-11778, 2013
Small-grained wild grasses as staple food at the 23 000-year-old site of Ohalo II, Israel
E Weiss, ME Kislev, O Simchoni, D Nadel
Economic Botany 58 (1), S125-S134, 2004
New evidence for the processing of wild cereal grains at Ohalo II, a 23 000-year-old campsite on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, Israel
D Nadel, DR Piperno, I Holst, A Snir, E Weiss
Antiquity 86 (334), 990-1003, 2012
New subsistence data and human remains from the earliest Levantine Epipalaeolithic
D Nadel, I Hershkovitz
Current Anthropology 32 (5), 631-635, 1991
Radiocarbon dating of Ohalo II: archaeological and methodological implications
D Nadel, I Carmi, D Segal
Journal of Archaeological Science 22 (6), 811-822, 1995
The avifauna of the early Epipalaeolithic site of Ohalo II (19 400 years BP), Israel: species diversity, habitat and seasonality
T Simmons, D Nadel
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 8 (2), 79-96, 1998
The economic and ritual utilization of plants at the Raqefet Cave Natufian site: the evidence from phytoliths
RC Power, AM Rosen, D Nadel
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 33, 49-65, 2014
Composite projectiles and hafting technologies at Ohalo II (23 ka, Israel): analyses of impact fractures, morphometric characteristics and adhesive remains on microlithic tools
A Yaroshevich, D Nadel, A Tsatskin
Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (11), 4009-4023, 2013
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Articles 1–20