Gadi Katzir
Gadi Katzir
Professor of Biology (emeritus) University of Haifa
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Plant coloration undermines herbivorous insect camouflage
S Lev‐Yadun, A Dafni, MA Flaishman, M Inbar, I Izhaki, G Katzir, ...
BioEssays 26 (10), 1126-1130, 2004
Visual fields in short-toed eagles, Circaetus gallicus (Accipitridae), and the function of binocularity in birds
GR Martin, G Katzir
Brain behavior and evolution 53 (2), 55-66, 1999
Coral reef restoration (Bolinao, Philippines) in the face of frequent natural catastrophes
L Shaish, G Levy, G Katzir, B Rinkevich
Restoration ecology 18 (3), 285-299, 2010
Employing a highly fragmented, weedy coral species in reef restoration
L Shaish, G Levy, G Katzir, B Rinkevich
Ecological Engineering 36 (10), 1424-1432, 2010
Hereditary family signature of facial expression
G Peleg, G Katzir, O Peleg, M Kamara, L Brodsky, H Hel-Or, D Keren, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (43), 15921-15926, 2006
Corneal power and underwater accommodation in great cormorants(Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis)
G Katzir, HC Howland
Journal of Experimental Biology 206 (5), 833-841, 2003
Relationships between social structure and response to novelty in captive jackdaws, Corvus monedula L., I. Response to novel space
G Katzir
Behaviour 81 (2-4), 231-263, 1982
Visual fields and eye movements in herons (Ardeidae)
GR Martin, G Katzir
Brain, Behavior and Evolution 44 (2), 74-85, 1994
Escape response of black mollies (Poecilia sphenops) to predatory dives of a pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis)
G Katzir, JM Camhi
Copeia 1993 (2), 549-553, 1993
Dive strategies and foraging effort in the Australasian gannet Morus serrator revealed by underwater videography
GEM Capuska, RL Vaughn, B Würsig, G Katzir, D Raubenheimer
Marine Ecology Progress Series 442, 255-261, 2011
Visual accommodation and active pursuit of prey underwater in a plunge-diving bird: the Australasian gannet
GE Machovsky-Capuska, HC Howland, D Raubenheimer, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1745), 4118-4125, 2012
Striking of underwater prey by a reef heron, Egretta gularis schistacea
G Katzir, N Intrator
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 160 (4), 517-523, 1987
Relationships between social structure and response to novelty in captive jackdaws, Corvus monedula L. II. Response to novel palatable food
G Katzir
Behaviour 87 (3-4), 183-208, 1983
Visual fields in ostriches
GR Martin, G Katzir
Nature 374 (6517), 19-20, 1995
Sun shades and eye size in birds
GR Martin, G Katzir
Brain Behavior and Evolution 56 (6), 340-344, 2000
Cormorants keep their power: visual resolution in a pursuit-diving bird under amphibious and turbid conditions
T Strod, Z Arad, I Izhaki, G Katzir
Current Biology 14 (10), R376-R377, 2004
Multifocal lenses in coral reef fishes
B Karpestam, J Gustafsson, N Shashar, G Katzir, RHH Kröger
Journal of experimental biology 210 (16), 2923-2931, 2007
Great cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) as potential vectors for the dispersal of Vibrio cholerae
S Laviad-Shitrit, T Lev-Ari, G Katzir, Y Sharaby, I Izhaki, M Halpern
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 7973, 2017
Capture of submerged prey by little egrets, Egretta garzetta garzetta: strike depth, strike angle and the problem of light refraction
A Lotem, E Schechtman, G Katzir
Animal Behaviour 42 (3), 341-346, 1991
Prey detection by great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis)in clear and in turbid water
T Strod, I Izhaki, Z Arad, G Katzir
Journal of Experimental Biology 211 (6), 866-872, 2008
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Articles 1–20