Edward Goldring
Edward Goldring
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Cited by
Pre-election violence and territorial control: Political dominance and subnational election violence in polarized African electoral systems
M Wahman, E Goldring
Journal of Peace Research 57 (1), 93-110, 2020
Democracy in reverse: The 2016 general election in Zambia
E Goldring, M Wahman
Africa Spectrum 51 (3), 107-121, 2016
To purge or not to purge? An individual-level quantitative analysis of elite purges in dictatorships
E Goldring, AS Matthews
British Journal of Political Science 53 (2), 575-593, 2023
Rethinking democratic diffusion: Bringing regime type back in
E Goldring, SC Greitens
Comparative Political Studies 53 (2), 319-353, 2020
Fighting for a name on the ballot: Constituency-level analysis of nomination violence in Zambia
E Goldring, M Wahman
Violence and Candidate Nomination in Africa, 38-57, 2020
Help is close at hand? Proximity and the effectiveness of peacekeepers
E Goldring, M Hendricks
Research & Politics 5 (4), 2053168018805612, 2018
All Peacekeeping is Local: Measuring Subnational Variation in Peacekeeping Effectiveness
BW Reeder, M Hendricks, E Goldring
International Studies Quarterly 66 (2), sqac010, 2022
Brothers in arms no longer: who do regime change coup-entry dictators purge?
E Goldring, AS Matthews
Journal of Conflict Resolution 68 (10), 1913-1940, 2024
Should we talk about the weather? How party competition and coalition participation influence parties’ attention to economic issues
E Goldring, BB Park, LK Williams
Party Politics 26 (6), 730-743, 2020
Elite Purges in Dictatorships
E Goldring
University of Missouri-Columbia, 2020
Elite Management before Autocratic Leader Succession: Evidence from North Korea
E Goldring, P Ward
World Politics 76 (3), 417-456, 2024
The Great Successor: The Divinely Perfect Destiny of Brilliant Comrade Kim Jong Un. By ANNA FIFIELD. New York: PublicAffairs, 2019. 336 pp. ISBN: 9781541742482 (cloth).
E Goldring
The Journal of Asian Studies 79 (4), 1013-1014, 2020
The importance of regime similarity to explain democratic diffusion
E Goldring, S Chestnut Greitens
Democratic Audit Blog, 2019
North Korea: markets and military rule, by Hazel Smith
E Goldring
Democratization 25 (1), 187-188, 2018
Authoritarian Survival and Leadership Succession in North Korea and Beyond
E Goldring, P Ward
Elements in Politics and Society in East Asia, 0
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Articles 1–15