Nicolas Widynski
Nicolas Widynski
Postdoctoral fellow at University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre
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Cited by
Effective component tree computation with application to pattern recognition in astronomical imaging
C Berger, T Géraud, R Levillain, N Widynski, A Baillard, E Bertin
2007 IEEE international conference on image processing 4, IV-41-IV-44, 2007
A multiscale particle filter framework for contour detection
N Widynski, M Mignotte
IEEE Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 36 (10), 1922 - 1935, 2014
Local Symmetry Detection in Natural Images using a Particle Filtering Approach
N Widynski, A Moevus, M Mignotte
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2014
Integration of fuzzy spatial information in tracking based on particle filtering
N Widynski, S Dubuisson, I Bloch
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics 41 …, 2011
A particle filter framework for contour detection
N Widynski, M Mignotte
Computer Vision–ECCV 2012: 12th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2012
A contrario edge detection with edgelets
N Widynski, M Mignotte
IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications …, 2011
Fuzzy spatial constraints and ranked partitioned sampling approach for multiple object tracking
N Widynski, S Dubuisson, I Bloch
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 116 (10), 1076-1094, 2012
Speckle spot detection in ultrasound images: Application to speckle reduction and speckle tracking
N Widynski, T Géraud, D Garcia
2014 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 1734-1737, 2014
Introducing fuzzy spatial constraints in a ranked partitioned sampling for multi-object tracking
N Widynski, S Dubuisson, I Bloch
International Symposium on Visual Computing, 393-404, 2010
Using connected operators to manipulate image components
C Berger, N Widynsky
Report, LRDE Seminar, 2005
A sequential Bayesian based method for tracking and strain palpography estimation of arteries in intravascular ultrasound images
N Widynski, J Porée, MHR Cardinal, J Ohayon, G Cloutier, D Garcia
2014 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 515-518, 2014
Intégration d'informations spatiales floues dans un filtre particulaire pour le suivi mono-et multi-objets dans des séquences d'images 2D
N Widynski
Paris 6, 2010
Object Tracking based on Particle Filtering with Multiple Appearance Models.
N Widynski, E Aldea, S Dubuisson, I Bloch
VISAPP, 604-609, 2011
Intégration de relations spatiales floues dans un filtre particulaire pour le suivi d’objets
N Widynski, S Dubuisson, I Bloch
XXIIe colloque GRETSI (traitement du signal et des images), Dijon (FRA), 8 …, 2009
Particle filtering with fuzzy spatial relations for object tracking
N Widynski, S Dubuisson, I Bloch
2010 2nd International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and …, 2010
Intégration d’informations spatiales floues dans le filtre particulaire: application au suivi de formes
N Widynski, S Dubuisson, I Bloch
Congrès francophone sur la Reconnaissance des Formes et l'Intelligence …, 2010
Algorithme de calcul de l’arbre des composantes avec applicationsa la reconnaissance des formes en imagerie satellitaire
A Baillard, C Berger, E Bertin, T Géraud, R Levillain, N Widynski
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Articles 1–17