Mining smart card data for transit riders’ travel patterns X Ma, YJ Wu, Y Wang, F Chen, J Liu Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 36, 1-12, 2013 | 791 | 2013 |
Understanding commuting patterns using transit smart card data X Ma, C Liu, H Wen, Y Wang, YJ Wu Journal of Transport Geography 58, 135-145, 2017 | 398 | 2017 |
Analysis of park-and-ride decision behavior based on Decision Field Theory H Qin, H Guan, YJ Wu Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 18, 199-212, 2013 | 145* | 2013 |
Origin-destination pattern estimation based on trajectory reconstruction using automatic license plate recognition data W Rao, YJ Wu, J Xia, J Ou, R Kluger Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 95, 29-46, 2018 | 126 | 2018 |
Traffic flow prediction for urban network using spatio-temporal random effects model YJ Wu, F Chen, C Lu, B Smith, Y Chen 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), 2012 | 106* | 2012 |
Climate change influence on priority setting for transportation infrastructure assets JH Lambert, YJ Wu, H You, A Clarens, B Smith Journal of Infrastructure Systems 19 (1), 36-46, 2013 | 105 | 2013 |
Field experiments on bluetooth-based travel time data collection Y Malinovskiy, YJ Wu, Y Wang, UK Lee Transportation Research Board 89th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2010 | 91 | 2010 |
Statistical evaluation of data requirement for ramp metering performance assessment X Ma, A Karimpour, YJ Wu Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 141, 248-261, 2020 | 84 | 2020 |
Urban traffic flow prediction using a spatio-temporal random effects model YJ Wu, F Chen, CT Lu, S Yang Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (3), 282-293, 2016 | 83 | 2016 |
A google-map-based arterial traffic information system YJ Wu, Y Wang, D Qian 2007 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 968-973, 2007 | 72 | 2007 |
DRIVE Net: E-science transportation platform for data sharing, visualization, modeling, and analysis X Ma, YJ Wu, Y Wang Transportation Research Record 2215 (1), 37-49, 2011 | 69 | 2011 |
Video-based vehicle detection and tracking using spatiotemporal maps Y Malinovskiy, YJ Wu, Y Wang Transportation Research Record 2121 (1), 81-89, 2009 | 67 | 2009 |
A Multisource Data Approach for Estimating Vehicle Queue Length at Metered On-Ramps X Luo, X Ma, M Munden, YJ Wu, Y Jiang Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems 148 (2), 04021117, 2022 | 66 | 2022 |
Modeling animal-vehicle collisions using diagonal inflated bivariate Poisson regression Y Lao, YJ Wu, J Corey, Y Wang Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (1), 220-227, 2011 | 63 | 2011 |
Traffic monitoring and vehicle tracking using roadside cameras YJ Wu, FL Lian, TH Chang 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 6, 4631-4636, 2006 | 60 | 2006 |
Video-based monitoring of pedestrian movements at signalized intersections Y Malinovskiy, YJ Wu, Y Wang Transportation Research Record 2073 (1), 11-17, 2008 | 59 | 2008 |
Measuring signalized intersection performance in real-time with traffic sensors J Zheng, X Ma, YJ Wu, Y Wang Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (4), 304-316, 2013 | 57 | 2013 |
Investigation of Bluetooth-based travel time estimation error on a short corridor Y Malinovskiy, UK Lee, YJ Wu, Y Wang Transportation Research Board 90th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2011 | 57 | 2011 |
Mixture models for fitting freeway travel time distributions and measuring travel time reliability S Yang, YJ Wu Transportation Research Record 2594 (1), 95-106, 2016 | 56 | 2016 |
A Kalman filter approach to dynamic OD flow estimation for urban road networks using multi‐sensor data Z Lu, W Rao, YJ Wu, L Guo, J Xia Journal of Advanced Transportation 49 (2), 210-227, 2015 | 55 | 2015 |