Thomas Scharrenbach
Cited by
Cited by
Improving an RCC-derived geospatial approximation by OWL axioms
R Grütter, T Scharrenbach, B Bauer-Messmer
The Semantic Web-ISWC 2008, 293-306, 2008
Scalable Linked Data Stream Processing via Network-Aware Workload Scheduling
L Fischer, T Scharrenbach, A Bernstein
9th International Workshop on Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems …, 0
Seven Commandments for Benchmarking Semantic Flow Processing Systems
T Scharrenbach, J Urbani, A Margara, E Della Valle, A Bernstein
The Semantic Web: Semantics and Big Data, 305-319, 2013
Bayes risk minimization using metric loss functions
R Schlüter, T Scharrenbach, V Steinbiss, H Ney
Proceedings of the European Conference on Speech Communication and …, 2005
Structure preserving TBox repair using defaults
T Scharrenbach, R Grütter, B Waldvogel, A Bernstein
23rd International Workshop on Description Logics DL2010, 384, 2010
Vague Spatio‐Thematic Query Processing: A Qualitative Approach to Spatial Closeness
R Grütter, T Scharrenbach, B Waldvogel
Transactions in GIS 14 (2), 97-109, 2010
Network-Aware Workload Scheduling for Scalable Linked Data Stream Processing
L Fischer, T Scharrenbach, A Bernstein
Perspectives of sensor based sorting for the processing of solid waste material
D Killmann, T Scharrenbach, T Pretz
2nd International Symposium Mechanical-Biological Treatment and Automatic …, 2007
Linked Raster Data
T Scharrenbach, S Bischof, S Fleischli, R Weibel
Seventh International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 2012
Default Logics for Plausible Reasoning with Controversial Axioms
T Scharrenbach, C d’Amato, N Fanizzi, R Grütter, B Waldvogel, ...
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for …, 2010
Improving an environmental ontology by incorporating user-input
B Bauer-Messmer, R Grütter, T Scharrenbach
EnviroInfo, 2008
On the Evolution of Ontologies using Probabilistic Description Logics
T Scharrenbach, A Bernstein
Proceedings of the First ESWC Workshop on Inductive Reasoning and Machine …, 2009
End-User Assisted Ontology Evolution in Uncertain Domains
T Scharrenbach
University of Zurich, 2011
Unsupervised conflict-free ontology evolution without removing axioms
T Scharrenbach, C d’Amato, N Fanizzi, R Grütter, B Waldvogel, ...
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Ontology Dynamics (IWOD …, 2010
The Data Centre Nature and Landscape (DNL): Service oriented architecture, metadata standards and semantic technologies in an environmental information system
B Bauer-Messmer, L Wotruba, K Müller, S Bischof, R Grütter, ...
Environmental Informatics and Industrial Environmental Protection. Shaker …, 2009
End-user assisted ontology evolution in uncertain domains
T Scharrenbach
The Semantic Web-ISWC 2008, 920-925, 2008
Eviction Strategies for Semantic Flow Processing⋆
MK Nguyen, T Scharrenbach, A Bernstein
9th International Workshop on Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems …, 0
A Qualitative Approach to Vague Spatio-Thematic Query Processing
R Grütter, T Scharrenbach
Proceedings of the Terra Cognita Workshop, ISWC2009, 2009
Sensoren mit Durchsetzungsvermögen
DK Thomas Scharrenbach
AIT-mail, 1-2, 2006
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Articles 1–19