Yael Lahav
Yael Lahav
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Psychological distress related to COVID-19–the contribution of continuous traumatic stress
Y Lahav
Journal of affective disorders 277, 129-137, 2020
The role of ex-POWs’ PTSD symptoms and trajectories in wives’ secondary traumatization.
T Greene, Y Lahav, I Bronstein, Z Solomon
Journal of Family Psychology 28 (5), 666, 2014
Peritraumatic reactions during the COVID-19 pandemic–The contribution of posttraumatic growth attributed to prior trauma
AA Hamam, S Milo, I Mor, E Shaked, AS Eliav, Y Lahav
Journal of psychiatric research 132, 23-31, 2021
A randomized controlled trial of brief somatic experiencing for chronic low back pain and comorbid post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms
TE Andersen, Y Lahav, H Ellegaard, C Manniche
European Journal of Psychotraumatology 8 (1), 1331108, 2017
Keeping a healthy distance: Self-differentiation and perceived health among ex-prisoners-of-war's wives
Y Lahav, JY Stein, Z Solomon
Journal of Psychosomatic Research 89, 61-68, 2016
Posttraumatic Growth, Dissociation and Sexual Revictimization in Female Childhood Sexual Abuse Survivors
SD Lahav, Y., Ginzburg, K.
Child Maltreatment, 2019
Posttraumatic growth and shattered world assumptions among ex-POWs: the role of dissociation
Y Lahav, ES Bellin, Z Solomon
Psychiatry 79 (4), 418-432, 2016
Posttraumatic growth and perceived health: The role of posttraumatic stress symptoms.
Y Lahav, Z Solomon, Y Levin
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 86 (6), 693, 2016
Secondary traumatization and attachment among wives of former POWs: A longitudinal study
Y Lahav, Y Kanat-Maymon, Z Solomon
Attachment & Human Development 18 (2), 141-153, 2016
Posttraumatic growth and dyadic adjustment among war veterans and their wives
Y Lahav, Y Kanat-Maymon, Z Solomon
Frontiers in psychology 8, 1102, 2017
The traumatized body: Long-term PTSD and its implications for the orientation towards bodily signals
N Tsur, R Defrin, Y Lahav, Z Solomon
Psychiatry Research 261, 281-289, 2018
Dysfunctional pain modulation in torture survivors: The mediating effect of PTSD
R Defrin, Y Lahav, Z Solomon
The Journal of Pain 18 (1), 1-10, 2017
Sexual dysfunction and distress among childhood sexual abuse survivors: The role of post-traumatic stress disorder
A Gewirtz-Meydan, Y Lahav
The Journal of Sexual Medicine 17 (11), 2267-2278, 2020
Reenacting past abuse–identification with the aggressor and sexual revictimization
Y Lahav, A Talmon, K Ginzburg, D Spiegel
Journal of Trauma & Dissociation 20 (4), 378-391, 2019
Psychopathology among adult survivors of child pornography
A Gewirtz-Meydan, Y Lahav, W Walsh, D Finkelhor
Child Abuse & Neglect 98, 104189, 2019
The cycle of healing-dissociation and attachment during treatment of CSA survivors
Y Lahav, A Elklit
Child abuse & neglect 60, 67-76, 2016
Emotion regulation and distress during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of childhood abuse
A Siegel, Y Lahav
Journal of interpersonal violence 37 (17-18), NP16302-NP16326, 2022
Telomere length and depression among ex-prisoners of war: the role of subjective age
Y Lahav, S Avidor, JY Stein, X Zhou, Z Solomon
The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 75 (1), 21-29, 2020
A longitudinal study of secondary posttraumatic growth in wives of ex-POWs
T Greene, Y Lahav, Y Kanat-Maymon, Z Solomon
Psychiatry 78 (2), 186-197, 2015
Torturing personification of chronic pain among torture survivors
N Tsur, G Shahar, R Defrin, Y Lahav, K Ginzburg
Journal of psychosomatic research 99, 155-161, 2017
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