Z Zhang
Z Zhang
California Institude of Technology
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Giant magnetoresistance in silicene nanoribbons
C Xu, G Luo, Q Liu, J Zheng, Z Zhang, S Nagase, Z Gao, J Lu
Nanoscale 4 (10), 3111-3117, 2012
The water abundance in Jupiter’s equatorial zone
C Li, A Ingersoll, S Bolton, S Levin, M Janssen, S Atreya, J Lunine, ...
Nature Astronomy 4 (6), 609-616, 2020
Titan as revealed by the Cassini radar
RMC Lopes, SD Wall, C Elachi, SPD Birch, P Corlies, A Coustenis, ...
Space Science Reviews 215, 1-50, 2019
Exposure age of Saturn's A and B rings, and the Cassini Division as suggested by their non-icy material content
Z Zhang, AG Hayes, MA Janssen, PD Nicholson, JN Cuzzi, I de Pater, ...
Icarus 294, 14-42, 2017
Cassini microwave observations provide clues to the origin of Saturn's C ring
Z Zhang, AG Hayes, MA Janssen, PD Nicholson, JN Cuzzi, I de Pater, ...
Icarus 281, 297-321, 2017
Microwave observations reveal the deep extent and structure of Jupiter’s atmospheric vortices
SJ Bolton, SM Levin, T Guillot, C Li, Y Kaspi, G Orton, MH Wong, ...
Science 374 (6570), 968-972, 2021
Jupiter's temperate belt/zone contrasts revealed at depth by Juno microwave observations
LN Fletcher, FA Oyafuso, M Allison, A Ingersoll, L Li, Y Kaspi, E Galanti, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 126 (10), e2021JE006858, 2021
Jupiter's equatorial plumes and hot spots: Spectral mapping from Gemini/TEXES and Juno/MWR
LN Fletcher, GS Orton, TK Greathouse, JH Rogers, Z Zhang, FA Oyafuso, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 125 (8), e2020JE006399, 2020
Spontaneous suppression of spiral turbulence based on feedback strategy
W Guo, C Qiao, Z Zhang, Q Ouyang, H Wang
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 81 (5 …, 2010
VLA multi-wavelength microwave observations of Saturn's C and B rings
Z Zhang, AG Hayes, I de Pater, DE Dunn, MA Janssen, PD Nicholson, ...
Icarus 317, 518-548, 2019
The water abundance in Jupiter’s equatorial zone. Nat Astron 4: 609–616
C Li, A Ingersoll, S Bolton, S Levin, M Janssen, S Atreya, J Lunine, ...
Long-lasting, deep effect of Saturn’s giant storms
C Li, I de Pater, C Moeckel, RJ Sault, B Butler, D deBoer, Z Zhang
Science Advances 9 (32), eadg9419, 2023
Microwave Observations of Ganymede's Sub‐Surface Ice: I. Ice Temperature and Structure
S Brown, Z Zhang, S Bolton, LE Bonnefoy, A Ermakov, J Feng, P Hartogh, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 128 (6), e2022JE007609, 2023
Microwave Observations of Ganymede's Sub‐surface Ice: 2. Reflected Radiation
Z Zhang, S Brown, S Bolton, S Levin, V Adumitroaie, LE Bonnefoy, J Feng, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 50 (11), e2022GL101565, 2023
Jupiter's tropospheric temperature and composition
C Li, MD Allison, SK Atreya, LN Fletcher, E Galanti, T Guillot, AP Ingersoll, ...
AGU fall meeting abstracts 2022, P32C-1854, 2022
Microwave observations constrain the Depth of vortices in Jupiter's atmosphere
SJ Bolton, S Levin, T Guillot, C Li, Y Kaspi, G Orton, MH Wong, F Oyafuso, ...
Science 374 (6570), 968-972, 2021
Residual study: Testing Jupiter atmosphere models against Juno MWR observations
Z Zhang, V Adumitroaie, M Allison, J Arballo, S Atreya, G Bjoraker, ...
Earth and Space Science 7 (9), e2020EA001229, 2020
The composition of saturn’s rings
KE Miller, G Filacchione, JN Cuzzi, PD Nicholson, MM Hedman, K Baillié, ...
Space Science Reviews 220 (6), 70, 2024
Juno Microwave Radiometer Observations of Europa's Ice Shell
Z Zhang, SJ Bolton, ST Brown, LE Bonnefoy, J Feng, P Hartogh, S Levin, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, P42B-03, 2022
The internal structure of vortices on Jupiter as observed by the Juno Microwave Radiometer
C Li, L Fletcher, T Guillot, S Bolton, M Allison, S Atreya, G Bjoraker, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, P23A-01, 2021
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Articles 1–20