Amy E Clark
Amy E Clark
Assistant Professor, Harvard University
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Cited by
‘Fire at will’: The emergence of habitual fire use 350,000 years ago
R Shimelmitz, SL Kuhn, AJ Jelinek, A Ronen, AE Clark, ...
Journal of Human Evolution 77, 196-203, 2014
Context and dating of Aurignacian vulvar representations from Abri Castanet, France
R White, R Mensan, R Bourrillon, C Cretin, TFG Higham, AE Clark, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (22), 8450-8455, 2012
A new Aurignacian engraving from Abri Blanchard, France: Implications for understanding Aurignacian graphic expression in Western and Central Europe
R Bourrillon, R White, E Tartar, L Chiotti, R Mensan, A Clark, JC Castel, ...
Quaternary International 491, 46-64, 2018
Early middle stone age personal ornaments from Bizmoune Cave, Essaouira, Morocco
EM Sehasseh, P Fernandez, S Kuhn, M Stiner, S Mentzer, D Colarossi, ...
Science Advances 7 (39), eabi8620, 2021
Artifact densities and assemblage formation: Evidence from Tabun Cave
SL Kuhn, AE Clark
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 38, 8-16, 2015
What moves us? How mobility and movement are at the center of human evolution
SL Kuhn, DA Raichlen, AE Clark
Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews 25 (3), 86-97, 2016
From activity areas to occupational histories: new methods to document the formation of spatial structure in hunter-gatherer sites
AE Clark
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 24, 1300-1325, 2017
Time and space in the middle paleolithic: Spatial structure and occupation dynamics of seven open‐air sites
AE Clark
Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews 25 (3), 153-163, 2016
Summary of carbon-14 dating of the cultural levels of Aşıklı Höyük
J Quade, MC Stiner, A Copeland, AE Clark, M Özbaşaran
The early settlement of Aşıklı Höyük: Essays in honor of Ufuk Esin, 43-56, 2018
Une nouvelle découverte d’art pariétal aurignacien in situ à l’abri Castanet (Dordogne, France): contexte et datation
R Mensan, R Bourrillon, C Cretin, R White, P Gardère, L Chiotti, M Sisk, ...
PALEO. Revue d'archéologie préhistorique, 171-188, 2012
Uranium and vanadium concentrations as a trace element method for identifying diagenetically altered bone in the inorganic phase
DN Grimstead, AE Clark, A Rezac
Journal of archaeological method and theory 25, 689-704, 2018
Technologies for the control of heat and light in the Vézère Valley Aurignacian
R White, R Mensan, AE Clark, E Tartar, L Marquer, R Bourrillon, ...
Current Anthropology 58 (S16), S288-S302, 2017
Radiocarbon dating, mineralogy, and isotopic composition of hackberry endocarps from the Neolithic site of Aşikli Höyük, central Turkey
J Quade, S Li, MC Stiner, AE Clark, SM Mentzer, M Özbaşaran
Radiocarbon 56 (4), S17-S25, 2014
Spatial structure and the temporality of assemblage formation: a comparative study of seven open air Middle Paleolithic sites in France
AE Clark
The University of Arizona, 2015
Changes in occupation intensity during the Lower and Middle Paleolithic at Tabun Cave, Israel
AE Clark
Unpublished MA Thesis, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 2008
Domestic spaces as crucibles of Paleolithic culture: An archaeological perspective
AE Clark, S Ranlett, MC Stiner
Journal of Human Evolution 172, 103266, 2022
Newly discovered Aurignacian engraved blocks from Abri Cellier: History, context and dating
R White, R Bourrillon, R Mensan, A Clark, L Chiotti, T Higham, S Ranlett, ...
Quaternary International 498, 99-125, 2018
Changes in land use and occupation intensity at the onset of the Middle Paleolithic? A view from Tabun Cave, Israel
AE Clark
Settlement Dynamics of the Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age 4, 127e144, 2015
Identifying the origin of southwestern shell: a geochemical application to Mogollon Rim archaeomolluscs
DN Grimstead, MC Pailes, KA Dungan, DL Dettman, NM Tagüeña, ...
American Antiquity 78 (4), 640-661, 2013
The road to differentiated land use and domestic space in the Middle Pleistocene of southwestern Asia
SL Kuhn, R Shimelmitz, AE Clark
Crossing the human threshold, 43-59, 2017
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Articles 1–20