Daisuke Okanohara
Daisuke Okanohara
Preferred Networks Inc.
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Practical entropy-compressed rank/select dictionary
D Okanohara, K Sadakane
2007 Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and …, 2007
Least-squares conditional density estimation
M Sugiyama, I Takeuchi, T Suzuki, T Kanamori, H Hachiya, D Okanohara
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems 93 (3), 583-594, 2010
Improving the scalability of semi-markov conditional random fields for named entity recognition
D Okanohara, Y Miyao, Y Tsuruoka, J Tsujii
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational …, 2006
A linear-time Burrows-Wheeler transform using induced sorting
D Okanohara, K Sadakane
String Processing and Information Retrieval: 16th International Symposium …, 2009
Modeling latent-dynamic in shallow parsing: a latent conditional model with improved inference
X Sun, LP Morency, D Okanohara, Y Tsuruoka, J Tsujii
Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on computational …, 2008
New challenges for text mining: mapping between text and manually curated pathways
K Oda, JD Kim, T Ohta, D Okanohara, T Matsuzaki, Y Tateisi, J Tsujii
BMC bioinformatics 9, 1-14, 2008
Conditional density estimation via least-squares density ratio estimation
M Sugiyama, I Takeuchi, T Suzuki, T Kanamori, H Hachiya, D Okanohara
Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Artificial …, 2010
Latent variable perceptron algorithm for structured classification
X Sun, T Matsuzaki, D Okanohara, J Tsujii
Twenty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2009
A discriminative language model with pseudo-negative samples
D Okanohara, T Junichi
ACL, 2007
Text categorization with all substring features
D Okanohara, J Tsujii
Proceedings of the 2009 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 838-846, 2009
An online algorithm for finding the longest previous factors
D Okanohara, K Sadakane
Algorithms-ESA 2008: 16th Annual European Symposium, Karlsruhe, Germany …, 2008
Neural multi-scale image compression
KM Nakanishi, S Maeda, T Miyato, D Okanohara
Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 718-732, 2018
Assigning polarity scores to reviews using machine learning techniques
D Okanohara, J Tsujii
International Conference on Natural Language Processing, 314-325, 2005
A deep-learning approach for operation of an automated realtime flare forecast
Y Hada-Muranushi, T Muranushi, A Asai, D Okanohara, R Raymond, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.01587, 2016
Learning combination features with L1 regularization
D Okanohara, J Tsujii
Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of …, 2009
Deep learning
T Kamishima, E Aso, M Yasuda, S Maeda, D Okanohara
Kindaikagakusha: Tokyo, Japan, 177, 2015
Learning-based collision-free planning on arbitrary optimization criteria in the latent space through cGANs
T Ando, H Iino, H Mori, R Torishima, K Takahashi, S Yamaguchi, ...
Advanced Robotics 37 (10), 621-633, 2023
Compressed bit vectors based on variable-to-fixed encodings
S Jo, S Joannou, D Okanohara, R Raman, SR Satti
The Computer Journal 60 (5), 761-775, 2017
Discriminative method for Japanese kana-kanji input method
H Tokunaga, D Okanohara, S Mori
Proceedings of the Workshop on Advances in Text Input Methods (WTIM 2011), 10-18, 2011
Synthetic gradient methods with virtual forward-backward networks
T Miyato, D Okanohara, S Maeda, M Koyama
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Articles 1–20