Sabina Cehajic-Clancy
Cited by
Cited by
Forgive and forget? Antecedents and consequences of intergroup forgiveness in Bosnia and Herzegovina
S Cehajic, R Brown, E Castano
Political Psychology 29 (3), 351-367, 2008
Nuestra culpa: collective guilt and shame as predictors of reparation for historical wrongdoing.
R Brown, R González, H Zagefka, J Manzi, S Čehajić
Journal of personality and social psychology 94 (1), 75, 2008
What do I care? Perceived ingroup responsibility and dehumanization as predictors of empathy felt for the victim group
S Čehajić, R Brown, R González
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 12 (6), 715-729, 2009
Dealing with the past and facing the future: Mediators of the effects of collective guilt and shame in Bosnia and Herzegovina
R Brown, S Cehajic
European Journal of Social Psychology 38 (4), 669-684, 2008
Affirmation, acknowledgment of in-group responsibility, group-based guilt, and support for reparative measures.
S Čehajić-Clancy, DA Effron, E Halperin, V Liberman, LD Ross
Journal of personality and social psychology 101 (2), 256, 2011
Social-psychological interventions for intergroup reconciliation: An emotion regulation perspective
S Čehajić-Clancy, A Goldenberg, JJ Gross, E Halperin
Psychological Inquiry 27 (2), 73-88, 2016
History education and conflict transformation: Social psychological theories, history teaching and reconciliation
C Psaltis, M Carretero, S Čehajić-Clancy
Springer Nature, 2017
Moral immemorial: The rarity of self‐criticism for previous generations’ genocide or mass violence
CW Leach, FB Zeineddine, S Čehajić‐Clancy
Journal of Social Issues 69 (1), 34-53, 2013
Silencing the past: Effects of intergroup contact on acknowledgment of in-group responsibility
S Čehajić, R Brown
Social psychological and personality science 1 (2), 190-196, 2010
Fostering reconciliation through historical moral exemplars in a postconflict society.
S Čehajić-Clancy, M Bilewicz
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 23 (3), 288, 2017
The encyclopedia of peace psychology
DJ Christie
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
From collective victimhood to social reconciliation: Outlining a conceptual framework
D Bar-Tal, S Cehajic-Clancy
War, community, and social change: Collective experiences in the former …, 2014
Not in my name: A social psychological study of antecedents and consequences of acknowledgment of in-group atrocities
S Čehajić, R Brown
Genocide Studies and Prevention 3 (2), 195-211, 2008
Moral-exemplar intervention: A new paradigm for conflict resolution and intergroup reconciliation
S Čehajić-Clancy, M Bilewicz
Current Directions in Psychological Science 30 (4), 335-342, 2021
Appealing to Moral Exemplars: Shared Perception of Morality as an Essential Ingredient of Intergroup Reconciliation
S Čehajić‐Clancy, M Bilewicz
Social Issues and Policy Review 14 (1), 217-243, 2020
Silencing the past: Effects of intergroup contact on acknowledgment of ingroup responsibility
S Cˇehajic, R Brown
Social Psychological and Personality Science 1 (2), 190-196, 2010
Conflict transformation and history teaching: Social psychological theory and its contributions
C Psaltis, M Carretero, S Čehajić-Clancy
History education and conflict transformation: Social psychological theories …, 2017
Intergroup apologies: Does it matter what they say? Experimental analyses.
J Kirchhoff, S Čehajić-Clancy
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 20 (4), 430, 2014
Fostering contact after historical atrocities: The potential of moral exemplars
M Witkowska, M Beneda, S Čehajić-Clancy, M Bilewicz
Political Psychology 40 (3), 565-582, 2019
Shaping social identities after violent conflict: Youth in the Western Balkans
F Pratto, I Žeželj, E Maloku, V Turjačanin, M Branković
Springer, 2017
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Articles 1–20