Carol T Kulik
Carol T Kulik
Research Professor of Human Resource Management, University of South Australia
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Old friends, new faces: Motivation research in the 1990s
ML Ambrose, CT Kulik
Journal of management 25 (3), 231-292, 1999
Individual and corporate dispute resolution: Using procedural fairness as a decision heuristic
EA Lind, CT Kulik, M Ambrose, MV de Vera Park
Administrative science quarterly, 224-251, 1993
Personal and situational determinants of referent choice
CT Kulik, ML Ambrose
Academy of Management review 17 (2), 212-237, 1992
Work design as an approach to person-environment fit
CT Kulik, GR Oldham, JR Hackman
Journal of vocational behavior 31 (3), 278-296, 1987
Board age and gender diversity: A test of competing linear and curvilinear predictions
M Ali, YL Ng, CT Kulik
Journal of business ethics 125, 497-512, 2014
Third-party reactions to employee (mis) treatment: A justice perspective
DP Skarlicki, CT Kulik
Research in organizational behavior 26, 183-229, 2004
Stereotype threat at work
L Roberson, CT Kulik
Academy of Management Perspectives 21 (2), 24-40, 2007
Aging populations and management
CT Kulik, S Ryan, S Harper, G George
Academy of Management Journal 57 (4), 929-935, 2014
Common goals and golden opportunities: Evaluations of diversity education in academic and organizational settings
CT Kulik, L Roberson
Academy of Management Learning & Education 7 (3), 309-331, 2008
Explaining gender-based selection decisions: A synthesis of contextual and cognitive approaches
EL Perry, A Davis-Blake, CT Kulik
Academy of Management review 19 (4), 786-820, 1994
The gender diversity–performance relationship in services and manufacturing organizations
M Ali, CT Kulik, I Metz
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 22 (07), 1464-1485, 2011
Relations between situational factors and the comparative referents used by employees
GR Oldham, CT Kulik, LP Stepina, ML Ambrose
Academy of Management Journal 29 (3), 599-608, 1986
Moderating effects of personal and contextual factors in age discrimination.
EL Perry, CT Kulik, AC Bourhis
Journal of Applied Psychology 81 (6), 628, 1996
Relations between job facet comparisons and employee reactions
GR Oldham, CT Kulik, ML Ambrose, LP Stepina, JF Brand
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 38 (1), 28-47, 1986
Measurement of job characteristics: Comparison of the original and the revised Job Diagnostic Survey.
CT Kulik, GR Oldham, PH Langner
Journal of applied psychology 73 (3), 462, 1988
Known by the company we keep: Stigma-by-association effects in the workplace
CT Kulik, HTJ Bainbridge, C Cregan
Academy of Management Review 33 (1), 216-230, 2008
The devolution of HR to the line: Implications for perceptions of people management effectiveness
EL Perry, CT Kulik
The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19 (2), 262-273, 2008
Using needs assessment to resolve controversies in diversity training design
L Roberson, CT Kulik, MB Pepper
Group & Organization Management 28 (1), 148-174, 2003
Diversity initiative effectiveness: What organizations can (and cannot) expect from diversity recruitment, diversity training, and formal mentoring programs.
CT Kulik, L Roberson
Cambridge University Press, 2008
Working below and above the line: The research–practice gap in diversity management
CT Kulik
Human Resource Management Journal 24 (2), 129-144, 2014
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Articles 1–20