Jonathan Corpus Ong
Cited by
Cited by
Architects of networked disinformation: Behind the scenes of troll accounts and fake news production in the Philippines
JC Ong, JV Cabaņes
Newton Tech4Dev Network, 2018
The cosmopolitan continuum: Locating cosmopolitanism in media and cultural studies
J Corpus Ong
Media, Culture & Society 31 (3), 449-466, 2009
Tweeting Supertyphoon Haiyan: Evolving functions of Twitter during and after a disaster event
CC David, JC Ong, EFT Legara
PloS one 11 (3), e0150190, 2016
“Witnessing” or “Mediating” distant suffering? Ethical questions across moments of text, production, and reception
JC Ong
Television & New Media 15 (3), 179-196, 2014
Finding a voice through humanitarian technologies? Communication technologies and participation in disaster recovery
M Madianou, L Longboan, JC Ong
International Journal of Communication 9, 19, 2015
When disinformation studies meets production studies: Social identities and moral justifications in the political trolling industry
JC Ong, JV Cabaņes
International Journal of Communication 13, 2019
The appearance of accountability: Communication technologies and power asymmetries in humanitarian aid and disaster recovery
M Madianou, JC Ong, L Longboan, JS Cornelio
Journal of Communication 66 (6), 960-981, 2016
The poverty of television: The mediation of suffering in class-divided Philippines
JC Ong
Anthem Press, 2015
Tracking digital disinformation in the 2019 Philippine Midterm Election
J Ong, R Tapsell, N Curato
Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, College of Asia and the Pacific …, 2019
Queer cosmopolitanism in the disaster zone:‘My Grindr became the United Nations’
JC Ong
International Communication Gazette 79 (6-7), 656-673, 2017
Obliged to be grateful: How local communities experienced humanitarian actors in the Haiyan response
JC Ong, JM Flores, P Combinido
Briefing paper, May. Woking, UK: Plan International, 2015
Witnessing distant and proximal suffering within a zone of danger: Lay moralities of media audiences in the Philippines
JC Ong
International Communication Gazette 77 (7), 607-621, 2015
Engaged, but not immersed: Tracking the mediated public connection of Filipino elite migrants in London
JC Ong, J Cabaņes
South East Asia Research 19 (2), 197-224, 2011
Watching the nation, singing the nation: London-based Filipino migrants' identity constructions in news and karaoke practices
JC Ong
Communication, Culture & Critique 2 (2), 160-181, 2009
Local aid workers in the digital humanitarian project: between “second class citizens” and “entrepreneurial survivors”
JC Ong, P Combinido
Critical Asian Studies 50 (1), 86-102, 2018
Demystifying disinformation shadow economies: fake news work models in Indonesia and the Philippines
JC Ong, R Tapsell
Asian Journal of Communication 32 (3), 251-267, 2022
Who laughs at a rape joke? Illiberal responsiveness in Rodrigo Duterte’s Philippines
N Curato, JC Ong
Ethical responsiveness and the politics of difference, 117-132, 2018
Inclusion as deliberative agency: The selective representation of poor women in debates and documentaries about reproductive health
N Curato, JC Ong
Television & New Media 16 (6), 576-594, 2015
Toward an ordinary ethics of mediated humanitarianism: An agenda for ethnography
JC Ong
International Journal of Cultural Studies 22 (4), 481-498, 2019
Fake news and scandal
J Cabaņes, CW Anderson, JC Ong
The Routledge companion to media and scandal, 115-125, 2019
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Articles 1–20