James E Reeve
James E Reeve
DPhil in Chemistry, University of Oxford
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Cited by
NMDA spikes enhance action potential generation during sensory input
LM Palmer, AS Shai, JE Reeve, HL Anderson, O Paulsen, ME Larkum
Nature neuroscience 17 (3), 383-390, 2014
Amphiphilic porphyrins for second harmonic generation imaging
JE Reeve, HA Collins, KD Mey, MM Kohl, KJ Thorley, O Paulsen, K Clays, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (8), 2758-2759, 2009
Dyes for biological second harmonic generation imaging
JE Reeve, HL Anderson, K Clays
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12 (41), 13484-13498, 2010
Presynaptic induction and expression of timing-dependent long-term depression demonstrated by compartment-specific photorelease of a use-dependent NMDA receptor antagonist
A Rodríguez-Moreno, MM Kohl, JE Reeve, TR Eaton, HA Collins, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (23), 8564-8569, 2011
Thiophene-based dyes for probing membranes
I López-Duarte, P Chairatana, Y Wu, J Pérez-Moreno, PM Bennett, ...
Organic & biomolecular chemistry 13 (12), 3792-3802, 2015
Porphyrins for probing electrical potential across lipid bilayer membranes by second harmonic generation
JE Reeve, AD Corbett, I Boczarow, W Kaluza, W Barford, H Bayley, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 52 (34), 9044-9048, 2013
“Push-no-pull” porphyrins for second harmonic generation imaging
I Lopez-Duarte, JE Reeve, J Perez-Moreno, I Boczarow, G Depotter, ...
Chemical Science 4 (5), 2024-2027, 2013
Probing the orientational distribution of dyes in membranes through multiphoton microscopy
JE Reeve, AD Corbett, I Boczarow, T Wilson, H Bayley, HL Anderson
Biophysical journal 103 (5), 907-917, 2012
Strong Wavelength Dependence of Hyperpolarizability in the Near-Infrared Biological Window for Second Harmonic Generation by Amphiphilic Porphyrins
K De Mey, J Perez-Moreno, JE Reeve, I Lopez-Duarte, I Boczarow, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (25), 13781–13787, 2012
Caged intracellular NMDA receptor blockers for the study of subcellular ion channel function
JE Reeve, MM Kohl, A Rodríguez-Moreno, O Paulsen, HL Anderson
Communicative & Integrative Biology 5 (3), 240-242, 2012
Functional dyes as tools for neurophysiology
JE Reeve
University of Oxford, 2012
Preynaptic induction and expression of t-LTD demonstrated by compartment-specific photorelease of a use-dependent NMDA receptor antagonist
A Rodríguez-Moreno, MM Kohl, JE Reeve, TR Eaton, HA Collins, ...
The Journal of neuroscience: the official journal of the Society for …, 2011
Porphyrin Dyes for Second Harmonic Generation
I Lopez-Duarte, J Fleischhauer, JE Reeve, J Perez-Moreno, A Corbett, ...
Royal Society of Chemistry, 2010
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Articles 1–13