Max Mignotte
Max Mignotte
Professor of Computer Science, DIRO, Montreal University
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Cited by
Deep learning for change detection in remote sensing images: Comprehensive review and meta-analysis
L Khelifi, M Mignotte
Ieee Access 8, 126385-126400, 2020
Sonar image segmentation using an unsupervised hierarchical MRF model
M Mignotte, C Collet, P Perez, P Bouthemy
IEEE transactions on image processing 9 (7), 1216-1231, 2000
Segmentation by Fusion of Histogram-Based-Means Clusters in Different Color Spaces
M Mignotte
IEEE Transactions on image processing 17 (5), 780-787, 2008
3D/2D registration and segmentation of scoliotic vertebrae using statistical models
S Benameur, M Mignotte, S Parent, H Labelle, W Skalli, J de Guise
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 27 (5), 321-337, 2003
Fall detection from depth map video sequences
C Rougier, E Auvinet, J Rousseau, M Mignotte, J Meunier
Toward Useful Services for Elderly and People with Disabilities: 9th …, 2011
Three-class Markovian segmentation of high-resolution sonar images
M Mignotte, C Collet, P Pérez, P Bouthemy
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 76 (3), 191-204, 1999
Statistical background subtraction using spatial cues
PM Jodoin, M Mignotte, J Konrad
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 17 (12), 1758 …, 2007
Multimodal change detection in remote sensing images using an unsupervised pixel pairwise-based Markov random field model
R Touati, M Mignotte, M Dahmane
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, 757-767, 2019
Hybrid genetic optimization and statistical model based approach for the classification of shadow shapes in sonar imagery
M Mignotte, C Collet, P Perez, P Bouthemy
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 22 (2), 129-141, 2000
A hierarchical statistical modeling approach for the unsupervised 3-D biplanar reconstruction of the scoliotic spine
S Benameur, M Mignotte, H Labelle, JA De Guise
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 52 (12), 2041-2057, 2005
Endocardial boundary e timation and tracking in echocardiographic images using deformable template and markov random fields
M Mignotte, J Meunier, JC Tardif
Pattern Analysis & Applications 4, 256-271, 2001
A label field fusion Bayesian model and its penalized maximum rand estimator for image segmentation
M Mignotte
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 19 (6), 1610-1624, 2010
A multiscale optimization approach for the dynamic contour-based boundary detection issue
M Mignotte, J Meunier
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 25 (3), 265-275, 2001
A de-texturing and spatially constrained K-means approach for image segmentation
M Mignotte
Pattern Recognition Letters 32 (2), 359-367, 2011
A segmentation-based regularization term for image deconvolution
M Mignotte
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15 (7), 1973-1984, 2006
A non-local regularization strategy for image deconvolution
M Mignotte
Pattern recognition letters 29 (16), 2206-2212, 2008
A fractal projection and Markovian segmentation-based approach for multimodal change detection
M Mignotte
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 58 (11), 8046-8058, 2020
An energy-based model encoding nonlocal pairwise pixel interactions for multisensor change detection
R Touati, M Mignotte
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 56 (2), 1046-1058, 2017
Three-dimensional biplanar reconstruction of scoliotic rib cage using the estimation of a mixture of probabilistic prior models
S Benameur, M Mignotte, F Destrempes, JA De Guise
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 52 (10), 1713-1728, 2005
Environmental sound classification using local binary pattern and audio features collaboration
OK Toffa, M Mignotte
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 23, 3978-3985, 2020
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Articles 1–20